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"Blue! Wake up!" Briant called. Again I had slept in, but how can I help myself? I live right on the beach, the glorious white sand beach in the Carrieban. Well, it's a vacation house to be exact. I don't really live here sadly, I live in Los Angeles, where stars are born, and dreams are crushed. It sounds glamorous, but go to East Hollywood at night, you'll soon change your mind. I'm only at the vacation house because it's going to be my eighteenth birthday. I'll finally be able to do what I want when I want to. My dad had planned out a surprise and it hadn't really came out very well. For starters, he didn't exactly live with me, he's a huge agent so when I'm on he island, he was in L.A.

"Sorry Bri. Good dreams are floated on those magnificent waves." I said groggily. Briant was my butler, but he was more like my family. Since he practically raised me, my mom died giving birth to me. Even though I never met her I feel close to her, my dad used to tell me stories about her. I look like her too, dark chocolate hair, crystal blue eyes, and skin that's perfectly tan. But no one has pictures of her. I mean, I saw some wedding photos, and a couple of her from high school, but never when she was pregnant or after the wedding. When I ask dad, he gets all sad, and teary. So I never really ask anymore.

"That boy Connor is here." He said. Connor meaning my boyfriend. Conner Alexander, Hollywood Hearthrob. And me, Blue Waverly, all the boys want me, all the girls want my boyfriend.

"Already? What time is it?" I asked, I saw myself in the mirror, it wasn't pretty.

"It's almost noon." He said. Noon?! Christ, I had almost slept through Connor and I's anniversary date. He was taking me on the beach for a picnic. It's not like it's very romantic, I love Connor and all, but we're together for the paparazzi. Publicity, press, all that. We worked on the same T.V show, Quinton Canyon, a teen high school drama, almost like Degrassi. It's the closest thing I get to a normal high school life, I've always been home schooled since I started acting in first grade. Almost Alison,was my first show, Georgiana Sheldon was Alison Ackbourn, I was her 'little sister' Vivian Ackbourn. We never got along though, not like we should. The show was cancelled so it all worked out. I got sponsors, agents, managers, the whole shibang. I got famous, my dad made money, everything seemed perfect, except for the fact I barely knew my dad. 

"Ugh. Why do we need to live on the beach?" I laughed, quickly gathering my hair up. Briant had set out a nice dress and sandals for me. His partner must have picked it out. I loved Zachary, Briant and him. They had great taste, I mean the dress Zach bought me was peach, with a floral pattern, it was short in the front, and long in the back. I smiled and slipped it on while Briant left to go make me a ham and cheese sandwitch. After I got dressed I did my makeup, brown eye liner, black mascara, pink eyeshadow, and pink lip gloss. I finished getting ready right as Zach brought my sandwitch. I hugged him and thanked him for the dress. 

"Oh no problem hon, it was on sale on DELias." He grinned. His online shopping skills amazed me, he could buy me whatever and I'd just find it in my closet! I ate my food while Connor looked around my beach house. It's Summer, my dad made sure I got my Summers off, so I was like a regular teenager. Once I was done I rushed out to Connor, making sure the windows were opened. Paparazzi loved deeing us hug. He kissed me.

"Hello Blue." He said kissing me. I smiled and kissed back. I loved him, sort of. I mean, we've been together for a few years, maybe like two? We were on Quinton Canyon since I was 13, almost 5 years of being near him. We were friends the first 7 seasons. My friend Adica Fedricks played Mona Adams in season 4 said we were almost like One Tree Hill since we had so many seasons already, very successful might I add. 

"Missed you." He said smiling, his perfect white teeth shining under the light in the living room. 

"You too. Now lets go yes?" I said smiling. He led me out of the house and onto the beach. The waves seemed to move with each step we took. The water was so clear and bright, I remembered why I loved it in the Carribean. 

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