Chapter 2

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Connor ended up taking me on a tour of the island, and then to some place having to do with frogs. I can't quite remember, especialyl now that I'm home on the beach. Zach and Braint retired to their room for the night. I took this chance and ran outside under the silvery moon. The night air was warm and humid, the sand still warm, and the water was lit up like there was a light. I knew it was just the clearness and moon, but oh my God it was beautiful. I ran over to the waters edge and took a nice long walk. I basically owned this beach, it was my property. The water warmed my feet as I slowly walked, I noticed a couple of fish in the water.

"Hello fishies." I said giggling. I saw an otter in the distance flipping around. I could have sworn it waved to me, might as well wave to it back right? The water was so inviting, I could just swim in it and lay in the ocean forever. But no, I have to work and make sure Connor and I made a splash on the show. Looking in all directions to make sure there was no paparazzi (though they never ever night stalk me), I ran into the water until it lapped around my mid thigh. The water was so calm tonight.

Come to me. Come to me. My lovely Blue Waverly

A singsong voice called for me. I swayed. It felt like hands were trying to grab me and invite me into the crystal water, I didn t feel like moving anywhere but to the sea. I walked further and further in until I heard Briant call for me.

"Blue! Get inside now!" He called into the darkness. I came out of that haze and ran back into the house, sand coating my feet and legs.

"Sorry Zach. Just needed to clear my mind." I said with a smile. I keep thinkg of the water and how it could seduce me with jsut one wave. Wow that sounded weird...oh well it's true. Water soothes me, like World Class Chocolate ice cream or my favorite lime and coconut bath salts. When my grandma, the closest thing I've ever had to a mom, died, I took up surfing. And let me tell you I was great. I loved it so much and I surfed every day in Malibu, California. But my dad said it was 'unbecoming of a girl my age' (note: I was 15!). So I had to fully commit to acting and there went my surfing career. I still surf, but that's once in a blue moon. My dad threw all my boards away, even my favorite, orange hibiscus board. My grandma had given me it, she said one day I'd surf because it'd be something fun and productive. He threw away the last thing I had conecting me to her. Sometimes I hate my dad. He's unfair, rude, and cared about the money I make. But other times he does care and comes home for dinner...sometimes. But not always. Zach ascorted me to my room, it had a veiw of the whole beach. 

"No sneaking out again Blue. Especilly not at night, it's not safe." He said sternly. Ugh always unsafe for poor little Blue. I hated being treated like I was 3. They think I'm not responsible. I knew the beach by heart, I knew Jump Rock was where a lady name Melina commited suicide, I knew that no one dares go to it in fear they'd slip like a local named Samuel did in 1994. Why couldn't they trust me, there are no sharks in my beach. No danger in the water. Well at least not for me. I took a shower and quickly dressed in my pajamas then tried to sleep.

Everything will change my love. You belong in the sea.

I shook my head. I get these weird voices in my head. I think I'm crazy sometimes, but Briant says he used to hear them too when he was stressed. Everything was fine for a moment. That's when my agent bursted through my doors and told me about a new series replacing Quinton Canyon.

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