Chapter 2

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I don't own Danny Phantom or the Avengers

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I don't own Danny Phantom or the Avengers.

WARNING: I'm not going to follow The Avengers timeline. My story takes place after the first movie and Loki becomes good. My knowledge of them (talking about the movies), is the first movie of Iron Man and Thor, Avengers and The Age of Ultron. I haven't watch Civil War.

It's has been a year since the battle of New York, the team is living in the Avengers Tower and my genius mind has been occupied by all the gadgets that I could make for all of us. I mean, I made the arc reactor in a cave, of course, I could make awesome things for all of us. Legolas was more than happy with his specialized arrows, his modified suit (that makes it easier to slide or grip onto different surfaces) and the quiver with 3D printing technology (it still takes a bit of time to make the arrows, but it's better than having none in the middle of a mission). After that, I made some mini-computers like watches that could connect with JARVIS at any time. It would help with Cap's education of the present and the two Asgardians questions. They also work as a communication and standard hacking device (for dear Tasha). Then I simply made some adjustments to our current suits or in Brucie's case made him some pants that would stretch and shrink with him (everyone agreed that the Hulk would look weird in a full body suit).

Really, everything was going great; our fights had become rare (or more playful), the integration of Loki to the team was hard, but amends were made quickly enough and we were at peace even if I felt like something was missing. Whenever Pepper's around and I complained about it, she tells me that I'm being a drama queen (Who me? Yo? Moi? Nope!). Of course, something told me to prepare myself because things were about to turn ugly. Next time I saw Pepper, I just knew I was right and for once I didn't want to be right.

- Hey, Pepper! How's my favorite CEO?

- Tony, I must inform you of something important. – said Pepper while taking a seat diagonally of Tony in the main living room of the tower (this being the one that the Avengers share since everyone has one on their own floors)

- Oh, I know that face, the "it's shocking news for everyone, but especially for you". So, shoot and don't be gentle. – said Tony while thinking about getting a glass of whiskey

- I received a call from a social worker by the name Sarah Sans and she informed me of a few things. – Pepper paused to gather her thoughts and then continue – Firstly, she told me that you had a legally recognized step-sister known as Madeline "Maddie" Fenton, known as such after her marriage. – Pepper paused again while carefully watching Tony's reactions, after knowing him for so long she could see a bit of surprise and a heavy dose of dread, but he nodded and Pepper continued – Secondly, she informed me of...her dead and... - Tony stopped her with his raised hand

- Mimi's dead. – said Tony quietly, barely above a whisper, and then he stood up to go get his drink. He took the drink and finished it in one gulp, he pours some more and then sat down. Taking a breath and then letting it out, he motions for Pepper to continue.

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