An unblinkingly death

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In the church father Kieran is kneeling down at the pastor's post.

"this is the body. This is the blood. May they cleanse me of sin and preserve my soul in life everlasting." The turns around with a cup in his hand.

"I'd say it's a little late for that, father." He turned around and seen bastiana sitting there. He stands up and got a little dizzy." I see you still have your faith."

"Stay back."

"If only it could save you." She started walking towards him and Kieran walked backwards and he hit the priest he turned around and seen it was Sean. "Sean, God, No!" He yells a Sean cut his throat

"To life everlasting." She walks over to him and shows him the drink."drink."

"Be gone, demon!"

"Come now, just one sip."

'No." He says as bastiana made him drink the glass. He moans and pushes the glass." I know who you are, you hateful bitch." Josh pushed him back and he looked at him. "Oh, Sean, I tried.... I tried to help you I tried to save you. But this city.... city full of monster's."

"Uh... trust me I know." Josh says."remind me to never piss off a witch." He tells Cami. Kieran started groaning  out in pain Josh let's him go and he falls to the floor. Cami kneels down

"Help me get him on his side." She says. Josh helps Cami put Kieran on his side they are all panting Kieran looks at Cami


"Uncle Kieran?" She says. Kieran then shakes his head and looked back at her

" what do you want from me?" He says as he sat up

"You saw that, right?" Cami tells Josh." It was just for a second, but it was him."

" I don't know Cami. I mean, maybe he's still in there underneath all that crazy, but the craziest pretty thick."

" maybe he just needs a shock to his system, something to wipe the Slate clean. Josh, I think I have an idea on how to fix him."

Klaus is in the den tossing all the books off the shelves when Elijah walks in

"Can I help you find something?" Elijah says

"Yes. In fact I believe you can. I'm looking for a book." Klaus takes another book off the shelf." About yea  big, filled with our mother's most powerful spells." He glanced over his shoulder and looked at Elijah." It appears to have been misplaced."

"How very mysterious." Elijah says as he sat down and begin writing

"Indeed. At first I feared that the witches succeeded in their effort to obtain  it, but considering their last attempt ended with me  relieving a rather large tattooed gentlemen of his hands, I began to wonder if the thief wasn't a little bit closer to home." Elijah glanced up at Klaus." Don't make this harder than it needs to be brother."

"Well, admittedly, I did have a theory that your sudden interest and mother's grimoire was in some way related to whatever foolishness you've been conducting with the Crescent wolves. Therefore I took it upon myself to carefully place it where naughty, little fingers could not pry."

" and here I thought you, of all people, what understand I am simply trying to help those wolves. Play Samaritan to the abused, Champion to the underdog, so to speak."

" how splendidly Noble of you."

" have you ever considered that like you, I am trying to keep Amanda safe, using our mothers magic to empower her friends people so they are capable of protecting her?"

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