Chapter 18

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Logan's P.O.V

"You look beautiful." I turned around and Mikey stood in the door way rubbing the back of his neck. "It's just a bathing suit. Nothing special." I said tying my grass skirt around my waist and placing a flower in my hair. 

"I know but I still think you look breath taking." He strided over to me and gripped my waist, gently pressing his soft pink lips to mine. I giggled and wrapped my arms around his neck. "You're cute, ya know that?" He said kissing my nose and placing his forehead in mine. "You're quite cute yourself Mr. Clifford." I said laughing. He took my hand in his and began pulling me out the door. "Come on, you have a party to get to." 

We walked downstairs and out the back door. There were so many people there already. Michael had a tight grip on my arm when he seen all the guys there. His jealous side was showing a little bit. "It's fine babe. You're the only one I want." I whispered, reassuring him. He smiled and nodded, loosening up his grip. "I'll be back. I want to go talk to some people. The boys are over there or why don't you go introduce youself to some of my friends that are here." I said pointing towards the boys and kissing him. I walked the oppsite direction that he headed in and was soon pulled into a bush.

"What the hell." I said coming face to face with Alik. "You've been ignoring my phone calls and text messages. We really need to talk about what happened the other day." He whisper yelled to me. "Alik, I dont want to talk about it, just pretend it never happened and we'll go back to being friends. You have Kalista and I have Mikey. We're all happy now just drop it." I said back to him.

"That's the thing Logan. I think I'm in love with you. I can't help but get jealous when you're with another guy or when guys flirt with you. It hurts me and you dont understand how much I actually care for you." He cupped my face with his hands and starred at me. "Alik, I-I dont have feelings like that for you anymore. I had to get over the fact that you were with Kalista and I figured you would never feel the same about me. So I just gave up on us. I'm sorry but I'm happy with Mikey." I said taking his hands off my face and stood up. 

"You look beautiful by the way." He whispered before walking  away from me with a depressed look on his face. I sighed and started walking to the boys. "Logan!" Kalista screamed while tackling me to the ground. "Woa, I dont want to die on my birthday." I laughed as she helped me up. "Happy birthday love. I missed you and the party looks amazing." She said hugging me and looking over at Mikey. "Are you two still together?" She asked nudging my side.

"Yea, He means alot to me. You still have to remember that before I even met him, he saved my life. He was the reason I stopped." I said walking away from her. "I'll talk to you in a second, Kay?" She nodded and shooed me to go to Mikey. 

I ran up behind him and jumped on his back. "Oh my goodness a crazy fangirl trying to kidnap me." He laughed pulling me around to face him. "Hey, I might have to lock you in my closet tonight." I said pointing my finger at him and smirking. 

"Ooh someone is getting a little  kinky tonight." I turned to face the boys and smiled. "Hi Cal." I said waving, knowing he was the one who said it. "Happy bithday Logan." They said hugging me. "Awe thank you guys."

"Anything Mikey's beautiful girlfriend." I could feel my face heat up and looked at me feet. "Awe she's blushing." Luke said squeezing my cheeks, causing everyone to laugh. I seen Alik starring at me out of the corner of my eye and looked back at Mikey. 

"I'm gonna go grab a drink." I told him before walking away and inside the house. "Alik, please go away. I'm done talking about it." I almost yelled when Alik stepped in front of me. He shook his head and grabbed my wrist, pulling me up to my bedroom and closing the door. "We're going to have a real talk, now." He said sitting me down on the bed.

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