Chapter Two - Kwamis

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- Adrien/Chat's POV -

     I thought about what Ladybug was saying.  Why wouldn't I understand?  Why would I think of her any differently?  Moreover, what if I knew who she was?

     Ladybug sighed.  She shifted her position and looked around.  "Are we going to try to get out of here or what?"  she asked.

     I shrugged.  I was kind of looking forward to spending more time stuck here with her.  Eventually, she'd have to give in and tell me who she really was.

     "We should get up and check if the door is locked or not,"  she suggested.  But she stopped.  "Wait.  My compact is still around us.  How is that possible?  It should've disappeared with my suit and mask!  Tikki?"

     Tikki wasn't listening.  I started laughing as soon as I saw her.

     Tikki was staring at me.  And Plagg was staring at Ladybug.  Tikki squealed and Plagg just facepalmed.

     "Oh. My. Cheese.  You two are dense."  Plagg said.  "I can't believe this.  You two are soooo dense!  I can't believe how dense you are!  How did you not notice this?  I mean, your voices and everything!  And the hair..."


     "Tikki!  Calm down!"  I saw gentle hands scoop her up and hold her close.  "Who is it?" I heard Ladybug whisper.  Tikki said something about not wanting to tell and I got anxious.

     "If Plagg saw you, and Tikki saw me, then why would we hide anymore?"  I asked.  Ladybug sat up straighter and sighed.

     "Because, Chaton.  I just can't.  I can't have you know who I am.  You'd only be -"

     "What?!  Disappointed?!  I don't think so, M'Lady.  Contrary to what you might believe, there is nothing that could ever change the way I think about you."

     She sighed.  " that so?"

     I nodded vigorously.  She shook her head and said something I never expected her to say.

     "What if...what if I told you I liked someone else?"

     I felt my heart stop beating.  She liked someone else?  Someone...else?  Someone........else?  Someone other than me, her sole protector and partner?  Someone...else.  Somehow I knew I had to know who this new guy was and destroy him...mutilate him...

     "In case you were wondering," Ladybug began, "his name is Adrien and he's very nice and very sweet and he's -"

     "Adrien Agreste?"

     "Yeah...Do you know him?  Because, if you do, please, please, please don't tell him I like him!  I'm already awkward enough and I think maybe he thinks I don't like him because I can never form a full sentence around him and if he ever knew I had a crush on him my best friend would absolutely kill me because she knows I'm so awkward around him and she would tell Adrien's best friend and -"

     "Are your best friend and my-I mean Adrien's best friend close?"  This was great!  I was getting so much information!

     "Um...yeah...during an Akuma attack I locked them in a cage together and they kinda started a relationship from there."

     Hmm...that sounds oddly specific to Alya and Nino.  I needed more.  More information.  Then, when I was at home, I would connect the dots.  Actually, maybe I didn't need to wait until I was home!

     I grabbed a nail from a nearby box (it was within my narrow reach) and started scratching the floor.  Ladybug.  I circled it.  Then I drew arrows to other circles containing information about Ladybug.  Possibly knows Alya.  Possibly knows Nino.  Likes Adrien.  Knows everyone in my class.

     "Are you drawing a chart on the floor??!!"  Ladybug asked, laughing.  I nodded, laughing back.

     "Of course, M'Lady.  Why would someone as pawsome as me not try to figure out a mewtiful girl like mew?"

     "Really, Chaton?"  She laughed, clearly back up to a happy mood.  I could tell she secretly wanted to know who I was.

     I looked back at my chart and stared at it.  My heart skipped a beat.  Chloe knows everyone in my class, likes Adrien, and knows Alya and Nino!

     "You're not Chloe, right?"  I asked her flatly.

     Ladybug laughed.  "No, Kitty.  No, I'm not.  And if I was, I would be a lot nicer to Alya and Nino and Marinette."

     It dawned on me that Plagg had mentioned hair in his rant.  Hair.  Hair.  Of course!  Our hair stayed the same!  Ladybug has navy blue hair, so Chloe couldn't be Ladybug!  But if Ladybug had possible ties to everyone in my class, she must be in my class!

     Ladybug sighed again.  "We're getting up.  I need to try the door.  Come on, Chaton."

     "But what if I accidentally see something I shouldn't, M'Lady?"

     "You shouldn't be looking for anything that would lead you to my identity.  And your chart on the floor...."

     Ladybug turned and read the chart.  "Are you okay?"  Tikki asked, worried.  "You're really pale..."  Tikki looked at my chart, too.  She looked from me, to Ladybug, to the chart, and back again.

     "What are you thinking, Bugaboo?"  I teased.  She didn't answer right away.

     " have more information than should,"  she said nervously.

     My heart skipped a beat and my ears perked up.  "Am I close?"

     "I wanted to tell you myself when I was ready..."  Ladybug said slowly, "...but I guess, if you figure it out before I get to tell you, then I don't think there is much of a point anymore."

     That meant I was close!  I was so excited!  All that was left to do was get a name for her face.

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