evil closet

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jungkook had woken up early in order to finish his work quickly. the elder was planning on spending the whole day with his baby boy.

he spared one more glance at the little peacefully sleeping and carefully walked out. he knew how much the boy loved sleeping and if you woke him up early he would become very bratty.

he quietly walked towards his office and locked the door. he would be talking with other companies that day in order to negotiate brand deals and he wanted the little to sleep in as much as possible.

the elder was proofreading a contract he had just received and was skimming through it. unaware of taehyung getting up and walking towards the bathroom.

he woke up feeling the bed empty and whined, he hated waking up without his daddy by his side. the little walked into the bathroom and winced at how cold the floor was against his bare feet.

the smaller rubbed his hands against his puffy face and pouted. he decided to go against going back to sleep.

he grabbed his blue toothbrush and placed more than enough toothpaste on it.

he brushed his teeth unknowingly for more than five minutes since his caregiver would typically be telling him when to stop. he rinsed his mouth, slightly grimacing at the minty taste.

he wiped his face with a towel and washed his hands after.

the boy walked out, looking around for the elder. after searching the bedroom, living room, and kitchen, the other was no where in sight.

the little then realized he was more than likely in his office.

taehyung stomped his foot and whimpered, whenever his daddy worked it meant less time for him.

he decided to leave the elder alone, instead going back to the bedroom. he tugged his pajamas in annoyance, feeling uncomfortable in the slightly hot attire.

he went over to his own bedroom's closet, the space being almost unoccupied.

the mirrored closet was broken, the door would automatically lock outside. meaning the door would have to be left open at all times in order to not be locked in.

the boy crawled into the closet to retrieve clothes to change into. he mindlessly kicked back the book meant to keep the door from completely closing.

he didn't care to pay attention until he heard a lock sound. the boy quickly turned around and saw the door completely shut.

he attempted to pull the door back until remembering the door wasn't able to be opened from the inside.

tears quickly sprung in the little's eyes as the realization sunk in. alone in the dark with no one's acknowledgment.

he felt around the walls for the light switch, upon finding it he flipped it back rapidly. to no avail, nothing occurred.

the little was really terrified now and started sobbing his little heart out.

jungkook was in his office on the third floor, the little wasn't sure if he would ever be heard.

he continued pounding on the door yelling out for someone to hear. the little didn't know what to do, he never liked being alone nor in the dark.

he brought his knees up to his chest and started hiccuping in tears, feeling so scared that he would never be heard.

the elder had just finished his last business call, slightly brushing his hair out of his face in drowsiness.

he shut the door and walked downstairs in attempt to not make too much noise. the elder stopped upon hearing faint cries.

he continued walking down the steps growing more confused the closer he got.

the elder stepped into the bedroom, upon not seeing the little in bed he slightly panicked.

he heard the cries increasing, but didn't know where they were coming from.

the elder quickly searched the bathroom and the living room. upon not seeing him anywhere he found the loud sobs residing in taehyung's bedroom.

the little was still nowhere in sight.

he flinched when he heard sudden pounding on the closet. the elder quickly opened the closet, the sight he saw absolutely broke his heart.

taehyung with tears coming down his cheeks every second, hair sticking to his matted forehead, and his face a bright red.

the caregiver quickly picked the shaking and whimpering boy into his arms as he set them down on the bed.

he gently rubbed his back as the little continued sobbing into his neck. "daddy's right here, your safe alright kitten." jungkook shushed the shaking little, tightening his hold on the smaller.

"so s-scary d-d-daddy!" the elder sighed and softly sat him up. he wiped the remaining tears on the little's precious face.

"i know baby, but daddy is right here okay. he will never let anything happen to you bun." the elder quickly reassured him.

he felt the smaller nod into his neck and clung his arms tighter around him.

he sat up, arms holding the little as he walked them into the first floor library.

the elder sat them down on the beanbag chairs laying plush on the ground.

the area a personal reading space for the little.

it was his favorite place to be.

the elder turned the lights off, the other slightly panicking at the sudden darkness before gasping in amazement.

a projector had made the ceiling become a star filled sky, colors meshing to create a galaxy.

the little grinned up at everything despite having a flushed out, tear stained face. jungkook found it absolutely adorable as he wiped all of his tears away with his thumb.

"want daddy to tell you a story?" the caregiver knew the other would immediately calm down if he read to him.

"yes please daddy," taehyung spoke softly. he eyes twinkled, looking up at the iridescent lights in the ceiling.

he felt completely content, hearing jungkook's voice and a hand gently rub his back.

he layed on the elders chest as his eyelids flickered. the smaller softly sighed, feeling the other hold him as he listened to the elders calming voice.

he smiled once he felt the little go completely limp in his arms.

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