Doctors Appointment

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Today was the day Taehyung absolutely dreaded. It was his annual doctors appointment and he hated even the thought of it.

Of course he hated shots in general, but he didn't like the fact that he also has to wake up early. He never understood the point of going to the doctors, to him it was completely useless.

Jungkook woke up early and made breakfast for both him and Taehyung. He made chocolate chip waffles, that being Taehyung's favorite breakfast. Jungkook made sure to spoil him a lot today because he knew how much Taehyung hated the doctors.

He set his sippy cup filled with orange juice down on his high chair and walked towards his bedroom.

He quietly opened the door and walked towards the bed where Taehyung was peacefully sleeping. He rubbed his back and pecked his forehead.

"Baby it's time to get up," Taehyung whined in response and attempted to sink back into the sheets, but before he could Jungkook pulled him forward onto his lap.

He wrapped his arms around his waist and softly rocked him in his arms. "Daddy made your favorite, you sure you don't want to eat?"

Taehyung sat up slowly and rubbed his eyes. Jungkook pried his hands away and kissed his eyelids. Taehyung smiled, quickly forgetting all about his appointment.

Jungkook lifted him onto his hip and walked towards the kitchen. He sat Taehyung down into his high chair and pulled his chair near it. He picked up Taehyung's plate and settled it down.

Jungkook picked up his fork and fed Taehyung bites from time to time. Taehyung picked up his sippy cup and took a big gulp. Jungkook continued feeding Taehyung until he finished it all.

Taehyung whined in discomfort and Jungkook quickly understood, he pulled Taehyung down from his high chair and into his lap.

Taehyung rested his head on his shoulder as Jungkook rubbed his back in circles. After letting out a small burp Taehyung sighed in relief. Jungkook put the plates and cups into the dishwasher, Taehyung still on his hip.

He pulled his phone out and looked at the time. It was currently 8:45, 15 minutes away from Taehyung's appointment. "Let's get dressed, alright baby?" Taehyung whined and quickly shook his head no. Jungkook gave him a stern look and walked into his bedroom.

He layed Taehyung down and picked out an outfit. He quickly undressed him and tugged all his clothes on with Taehyung whining from time to time.

Jungkook placed his vans on and tied the laces. Upon seeing Taehyung's pouty face he kissed his cheek and held his hand as they walked into the bathroom.

He set him on the counter and took his toothbrush out. He placed a decent amount of toothpaste on it and urged Taehyung to open his mouth. Taehyung complied and let his daddy brush his teeth for 2 minutes. He then rinsed himself and dried his mouth.

"Need to use the potty or do you want a diaper?" Taehyung quickly shook his head, the fear of getting a shot being his number one concern. Jungkook knew Taehyung was really scared and picked him up.

Taehyung quickly wrapped his arms around his neck and whimpered. Jungkook lightly bounced him in his arms and kissed his head in reassurement. He turned off all the lights and grabbed his keys.

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