One big experiment

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Sans pov

I woke up in my bed with y/n on my chest, as usual. But I remember falling asleep on the couch.... I guess pap moved us. Y/n woke up, noticing that I was awake, and stretched. Y/n then started meowing at me, telling me that it's time for breakfast. I got up and y/n hopped off of my chest. We then walked down the stairs, to the kitchen. Papyrus was making spaghetti, he yelled "GOOD MORNING BROTHER". I lazily said "mornin' paps" and started making y/n's wet cat food. Y/n was patiently waiting near her bowl, I put the cat food in her bowl and took one bite out of her food and then looked at me. I knew then that Y/n was not gonna eat until she knew I was eating. Papyrus then set a bowl of spaghetti in front of me along with a fork and I then dug in to the spaghetti. I then faintly heard y/n eating her wet food. I smiled and finished off the spaghetti, papyrus said "I'M GLAD THAT YOU'VE REGAINED YOUR APPETITE BROTHER". I nodded and said "thanks bro". I then got up to go get some ketchup from the fridge, y/n followed me to the fridge and started meowing when I got out a bottle of ketchup. When y/n jumped toward the bottle of ketchup, I figured she wanted to have some. I put some ketchup in her now licked clean bowl, and she sniffed it before trying it. I watched as she licked all of the ketchup from her bowl, I drank mine while watching her. I said "I guess you really like the stuff huh?", y/n just meowed in response, but I knew it was a yes. My phone started ringing, do I pulled out my phone, I looked at the caller ID and saw that it was alphys who was calling me. I answered and put the phone up to my non-existent ear and said "heya alph, whazzup", alphys then said "hey sans, I want you to come to the lab right now, and bring y/n with you", I then said "ok, I'll be right over". I then hung up and said "pap, I'm gonna be at the lab, be back in a bit. C'mon y/n", y/n jumped into my arms and I caught her before teleporting to the lab. Y/n climbed into my hood and perched her front paws on my shoulder, alphys then came out of a door and came to me. Alphys said "s-so sans, I was w-wondering if y-you would want y/n t-to be a-able to t-turn into a n-neko for a p-period of time", I thought about it, then I looked at y/n and asked "do you wanna do it y/n?". Y/n looked at me and nodded, I nodded back and said "ok, I'll let you do it... but if something goes wrong..... you are gonna have a bad time". Alphys nodded, sweating nervously. Alphys then led me to a room with a huge machine in it. I started to get a little nervous, y/n then meowed and licked my skull. I calmed down and pat y/n in the head. Alphys then motioned y/n to the stretcher, and y/n hopped from my shoulder, to the stretcher. Alphys then gestured me out of the room, y/n looked like she wanted me to stay, and started meowing when I was out of the room. Alphys then led me to a room with a window and a speaker in it. I looked out the window to see y/n meowing with her ears down, with fear written all over her facial expression. I turned to the mic and said "don't worry y/n, I'm right here. It's ok y/n". Y/n saw me and stopped meowing, staring at me with content clear in her e/c eyes. Y/n nodded and looked over to a different window, I looked over to see alphys was in the other window. She had a control panel in front of her, and then she said "ok y/n, I'm going to turn the machine in now", losing her stutter in the process. The stretcher moved into the machine and a bright light blinded my vision. Once the light subsided, I looked out the window to see....... nothing. There is now a door that is keeping y/n in the machine, alphys then said "here y/n, put these on". I then heard a beautiful voice ask "what are they? Where's my master?", alphys then said "put the clothes on, and you will be able to see 'your master' again", there was an "ok" that came from y/n before some silence. Then rustling. Then silence again. Then y/n yelled "done! Now can I see master? Please?". Alphys said "yup, y-you can m-meet him n-now", the door then opened and the stretcher slowly moved through the door. On the stretcher, was a girl with h/l h/c hair, matching (fur color) cat ears and tail, and the same e/c eyes. She was wearing a(n) f/c hoodie with a white t-shirt underneath, and black leggings. I felt heat rise up to my skull as I stared at the beauty in front of me. Y/n then pulled me out of my thoughts by yelling "Master!", I jumped, startled by her yelling. I then said "uhh, what did ya say again y/n?". Y/n then said "I asked if you could teach me magic, alphys says I can use it", I said "uhh, sure kiddo. What do ya wanna learn". Y/n then jumped up and down while saying "I wanna learn how to turn into a cat and back again". I sat up and said "ok, just focus, and think about yourself as a cat", then y/n closed her eyes and did what I told her to do and then there was a flash of light and y/n was a cat again. Y/n looked really happy, pouncing around and meowing happily. Whenever I watch her, it seems lime a pain in my chest or soul just goes away. Alphys comes in and says "sans, I think I found something very interesting about y/n", I looked at alphys and asked "and what is that?". Alphys said "y/n is not like other cats, study's show thy cats are not usually this loving or loyal to their owners. Y/n seems to have the loyalty of a dog, and the energy of a playful puppy". I looked at alphys the confusion written all over my face and asked "what are you getting at here?", alphys then said "I-I guess what I'm saying I-is that y/n is s-special. A-also, y/n will o-only be a-able to b-be a n-neko f-for two hours a d-day". I nodded to myself, keeping what alphys just told me in mind. I then got up and said "c'mon y/n, lets show papyrus your new tricks", y/n meowed happily and climbed into my hood. I then teleported back home and was greeted by papyrus yelling "SANS! I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU IN HOURS, WHERE WERE YOU?". I said "I was over at alphys' place, now y/n has a new trick to show you. Y/n then hopped out of my hood and onto the floor and then changed into her human form in a flash of f/c and white light. Papyrus' jaw dropped, and his eyes were wide. His reaction was to funny, so I started chuckling. Then it turned into hysterical laughter. Y/n turned back into her cat form and started tapping my head and shoulders(head shoulders knees and toes 😂), I started to calm down, wiping away a fake tear. I said through laughter "your reaction was priceless papyrus", papyrus just stared at me with a blank expression, probably trying to process what just happened. Pap then said "SO.... Y/N CAN TURN INTO A HUMAN NOW?", I replied "well, it's a neko actually, and yes. But she can only do it for so long". Y/n meowed in agreement, and somehow climbed back into my hood.

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