Part 6

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There were crowds lining the streets of Berk as the remaining soldiers of the Berkian regiment returned home, proudly wearing their uniforms as they marched through the Plaza. General Stoick Haddock led his men, accompanied by his closest friend and supporter, Major Gordon 'Gobber' Belcher, as they tramped down until they pulled to a halt in front of the Great Hall.

"RIGHT TURN!" Gobber yelled. "STAND AT....EASE!"

In a final flourish, the men pulled a perfect halt and turned to face the people of Berk. Stoick 'the Vast'-General, patriot and father-turned to look at his people. His family had helped run the town for centuries and he felt a responsibility to the people of Berk. There were men in the ranks, wounded in body and mind who would never be the men they were before and they would need taking care of-not by a country with no welfare or system to help them but by the man who had asked them to follow him into battle. Stoick would never shirk his duties.

"People of Berk, the War is over," he announced, his voice booming across the crowd. "Four years ago, we marched out of Berk, filled with optimism and not a little arrogance, imagining the enemy would just roll over. He did not-and we paid for it with our blood. Even in the last days of the war, the enemy fought furiously for every yard of ground as he retreated, still taking a horrible toll on our numbers. But we endured and in the end, peace was won."

There was silence: no cheering or clapping because everyone was weary. Weary of loss, weary of sadness, weary of bad news and shortages and men going and never returning.

"The men are home. To you who have returned, I say-savour what has been granted you. A second life after the trenches, a chance to move on in the knowledge that you will honour those who will not. Any man who needs work or who needs help should come to me and I will see that he has a place in one of my businesses and that his family are provided for." There were a few ragged cheers then. "And to those of you who are here, with no one to return, I thank you for your sacrifice, knowing that words are hollow and meaningless. So I make the same offer. I will help support you and your families in honour of those who did not come home."

He paused and blinked, his right arm rising in a stiff but heartfelt salute as he moved to 'attention' for one last time..


And then the ranks broke, the men running for the families they had sought out while standing listening to the speech. All around, there were the squeals and gasps of reunion, kisses and hugs and overwhelming joy and relief.

Heather was being swung around and around by Fishlegs, her face buried in her neck and her body shaking with sobs of relief. Tears were streaming down her face as they kissed, his powerful arms wrapped around the women he loved and he had left a couple of days after marrying her.

"Did you miss me?" he asked her gently and kissed her softly. She nodded.

"You big meatlug," she smiled. "I have been waiting for you for over two years. Now I finally to get to take you home and be the wife you deserve!"

"Oh thank Thor," Fishlegs sighed. "That makes it all worthwhile..."

Standing back, the wriggling shape of Valerie in her arms, Astrid watched her friend with an unreadable expression on her face. In reality, absolute jealousy was consuming her, that Heather had her husband the cost of Astrid's. And though she had her daughter, she wanted her Hiccup. So she watched for a long moment, then turned away. She almost ran into Snotlout, who was standing to one side, his face carefully expressionless. She frowned.

"You okay, Snot?" Astrid asked, seeing the expression she had learned to recognise as him having a flashback to the trenches. Gently, she extended her hand and touched his shoulder. He jerked away, eyes frightened and body tensed until his vision cleared and he recognised her. Offering a wan smile by way of apology, he sighed.

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