Chapter 4

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That guy is creepy. No not creepy- super creepy. Creepier than the actual definition of creepy..

He's all over me, I can tell, no one else can because they're oblivious to everything but themselves nowadays.

As I think about all this I find Mika sitting on a bench all alone, this could perhaps be my one chance of redemption.

I sit down next to her and pat her back awkwardly whilst trying to smile.

"Seriously? You think a pat on the back will solve everything?!" She gabbles dramatically

"C'mon Mika don't be a drama queen. It gets you nowhere." I sigh

"Sorry for you not liking the way I was born!" She goes to stand up but freezes into place as a frightening looking boy approaches.

"You-little guinea pig I thought you were gonna sit with us?" He clenches his fists and scoffs at me. "I thought you weren't friends with that 'idiot'?"

"I-I'm sorry! Y-you guys weren't t-there" She stammers and gives out a little yelp as he tugs her arm

"Well in that case we gotta get goin, and stop screeching cause I'm only draggin yer arm."

"Please i-it hurts!" She squeals

My temper slowly rises and I'm forced to take action for the defence of my friend.

"And who do you think you are?" I stand up and glare at the vicious man.

"I am her friend, I say the same to you, this little 'un has been badmouthin you."

"Does it look like I care? Let go of her and walk off before I really get angry."

He let's go of Mika to my relief but my tranquility doesn't last long before a strong grip latches onto my arm instead.

"You'll regret all of this." He says as a sharp sting inflicts onto my cheek as I hear a Mika crying in the background.

"How'd things get so messed up in this school?" I mumble but get interrupted by a kick into my ankle which now hurts like hell.

"What on earth is going on here?!" And to my relief I hear the voice of one of my teachers; but it's too late.. my ankle must of been really injured during whatever just happened because it was throbbing like mad.

The boy was taken away and I was greeted by a hug from a now slightly crying Mika.

"I can't believe you stood up for me- I treated you so badly.. I'm so sorry" She says in between sobs.

I sit down and rub my ankle, this 50 minute walk home sure as hell is going to be fun.


I collapse onto my sofa replaying the moments in my head whilst trying to ignore my ankle. A buzz from my phone interrupts my thoughts.

Message Received


Heyy it's your long and forgotten bestie! I'm actually going to be transferring to your school! It's gonna be so exciting!! I hope you haven't found any new best friends because you know how jealous I can get 😉 anyway, see ya! Xx


Oh yes.. Angie.. my life has just become a complete mess in under a week... and when I'm ready, I sure hope I can fix it all.

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