Chapter 8

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{Y/N's POV}

I look around at my new surroundings, who knew a person could be this cruel and possessive? I wipe a fresh tear that rolls down my cheek.

The door suddenly bursts open and Minoru comes rushing in, he sees my face and his jaw drops.

"Don't cry, please don't cry!" He croaked, his voice full of sorrow and guilt yet still wicked, I thought it was seemingly impossible to act like that.

"You won't be alone, you have me! We can go anywhere we want together, anywhere you like." He pats my shoulder.

I slowly lift my head up and glare at him, I've never felt this fierce before but this newfound emotion will get me through this.

"We're going home right now, that's where we're going." I stand up and walk towards the front door, it turns out it's locked, I curse under my breath as Minoru walks closer and closer towards me.

"I don't want you to escape Y/n." Minoru takes a deep breath.

"I can't stand a minute without you, I want you to be here by my side, always, anyone who gets in my way, they'll be punished severely, I'll crush their tiny skull-" Minoru starts rambling and gets interrupted by me slapping the counter. His rambled sentence was barely audible and therefore was a waste of his breath.

"You need to let me go, I won't even go to the police, j-just please let me go.. please.." I beg and pretend to cry, another tear runs down my face and Minoru gently wipes it off with his thumb.

I catch sight of my horrid reflection in the mirror, my eyes are puffy from crying, a gloomy, pale colour reflects on my face and then I see a glint of red.

"Huh? What's that?" I feel the red patch and stare in horror.

"B-blood!? Why is that on my cheek?!" I scream as I catch sight of Minoru's thumb which had a tiny glint of red on it too.

"It's not w-what it looks like! I cut my thumb earlier, nothing bad, if you really feel scared feel free to hug me anytime." He smiles and holds his arms out, he's the only person I can talk to now, I feel like he knows everything, I can trust him.

His pupils give me that innocent gaze, it's like I instantly fall under his calming spell. I lean into him, exhausted and I feel a slight nibble on my ear.


I stare at Y/n's emotionless eyes, they used to be so bright and full of hope, now they look dull and depressed. I realise her eyes are slowly closing and she falls asleep on me, I feel a warm, comforting feeling, it's not everyday that this thing will happen. I must savour it.

I stroke her cheek and brush some strands of hair out of her eyes then softly plant a kiss to her cheek, out of laziness, I place her on the nearest bed to me.

She stirs slightly making me jump a little, I must've moved too much because she wakes up and sleepily rubs her eyes, the sleep lasted about 20 seconds.

"Huh.. what.. where.." she looks around confused by the surroundings, she seemed so innocent, bringing purity to everyone around her, even me at times.

But this time her aura won't get to me. She leaps back at the sight of me daydreaming and staring at her but can't travel far as I hold her hands. A red blush appears from her face as she struggles for me to let go, I won't though.

She looks up at me with courageous eyes,
"Minoru.. stop.." I'll be the one who's about to take that courage away.

Still holding her hands, I slowly edge my face closer to Y/N's. She squeaks and her face is now even more redder than anything I've seen.

"Let's just say.. this is my apology.. for all that's happened." I give a big smile and gently place my lips onto hers.  Her eyes light up with excitement but shyness at the same time, I gently let go of her hands and fall backwards onto the bed next to her.

"I didn't say this entire house was all old."

I click a remote and a roof moves showing an open window, I get closer to Y/n so we are touching and I point to different stars.

Suddenly a knock from the door occurs and I rush to get it

A boy appears and gives a sweet smile.

"Sorry to arrive this late, I am Satoshi I've come to see how my little y/n is doing." Satoshi gives a big grin.

I hear footsteps and shuffles running to the front door, I watch the love of my life hug another man, who she shows more affection to.

"So, how do you know her." My voice is stern and cold as I wrap a protective arm around her and force her off of him.

"We used to bestest of friends, she told me where she was."

Y/N shoots me an innocent smile, I thought I broke her phone?! I must of forgot. Damn.

Satoshi walks in and peers around the house leaving y/n to prepare a snack, he walks upstairs and notices 2 bedrooms and nods.

"Creep. What are you looking at?"

"Ohoh just making sure the young girl you've kidnapped isn't busy sleeping in with same bed with someone like you." Satoshi's words were like spits of venom. Now I've seen his true colours.

I should've known this would happen.

"I haven't even given you permission to be in this house." I grip his arm tightly and push him to the staircase.

"Down. And out of here."

Satoshi smiles, he moves his head to one side releasing sparkling eyes, too devious for even me to withhold.

"Technically, y/n let me in, she is part of this house rent, I know you've secretly been charging her behind her back. Bad move, I have evidence and one wrong doing, well you know what's gonna happen. This is kidnap and you're using someone else's money for your own sake, you do realise it's all she's got since her parents passed away." He winks

I grab Satoshi by the collar and slam my fist into his nose, a spurt of blood flies out and he stumbles back, suddenly then he slips on on a step and rolls with a massive thud to the floor and an ear-breaking scream coming shortly after.

I rush downstairs to see Satoshi passed out onto a pale y/n, she shakes and cries as I see she is gripping tightly to her leg.

"Oh god, is it broken?!" I run my fingers across her leg and press on different parts until I hear a whimper.

Throwing Satoshi off of her, she suddenly grabs him.

"If you're bringing me to the hospital, you're b-bringing him too." Her voice is quiet and adorable.

Nodding, I pick her up bridal style to the front of the car before grabbing Satoshi after and half-heartedly putting him in the back.

Guess I gotta do some extra care for the next few months.

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