Mac x reader (daddy Mac is life)

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1.) song fic to Piece By Piece by Kelly Clarkson

2.) Reader & Mac have been in a relationship for 2 years & reader has a 4 year old daughter from a previous relationship. During a get together with the team Mac brings out adoption papers & asks readers daughter if he can be her daddy. Reader being little yet replies. "I thought you already were." (Readers daughter has a cute nickname for Mac.)

3.) What if during the time Mac was an EOD specialist working with Alfred Pena he had a pregnant girlfriend/fiancé back in L.A. (Pregnant at the same time as Pena's wife, so Mac's significant other & Pena's wife have a friendship. Pena dies & since Mac's significant other knows how important Pena was to Mac they name their baby in honor of him.

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