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I scooted over to the end of the bench and Diana sat down next to me. Then Evangeline, or Evs for short, and on the other end of the bench was Ivy.

Diana was a girl who had a brown bob and always wears multicolored sweaters all year, even in a Louisiana summer. She is an introvert like me and spends her time reading and drinking coffee, 24/7. She was similar to me in the sense of ghosts but not quite to same. She was like everyone else and blissfully unaware of ghosts until she met me. I was able to get her to believe in them but she had gone to far and can't see them but can hear them.

Evangeline is one of my two ghost friends that I try to met up with every day. She died towards the early 1900s at a teenager. She's pretty cool with her high neckline and tight waisted, light blue dress. She too was a reader but she never wanted to read anything modern no matter what Diana and I tried. She also was always teasing us and jokingly making fun of us and we did the same ot he.

Ivy was a bit different from us. Not in a bad way but she was a lot more introverted them the rest of us. She spent more time thinking deep thoughts than having conversations with us and we never pushed her to. I think that's why she's stuck around. We also just like having her around. She may not talk a lot but when she does it's deep and meaningful. She also is a great peacekeeper for our group because all friends get into some kind of fights. Shs is really mysterious though. No one knows when she died. Evangeline just says it was sometime before her.

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