chapter one

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The house was filled with booze, drugs and crowds of drunk college students. I squeezed through the crowd, following close behind my best friend.

"Brook!" Nancy called to me. Her warm smile gleamed even in the dim light.

"This is probably the most craziest frat party we have ever attended!" I grab on to her shoulder, almost falling.

"Stay close before I loose you again!" Her laugh is barely heard by the loud, pumping music blasting through the whole house.

"Is Jonathan coming?" I scream in her ear, hoping she could hear me.

"I don't know. He isn't really into these type of parties." Nancy shrugs, while grabbing two beers from a strangers hand . "Cheers." She hands me the drink.

"Nancy! What if he has STD's!" I give the beer back to her.

"Shut up and drink looser!" Nancy chugs down the leftover beer and pumps her fist, up and down, mimicking the crowd.

I roll my eyes and giggle at her awkward dance moves. "You're embarrassing."

"Shut up before I ditch you for Jonathan."

I once again roll my eyes and she laughs. Nancy grabs my hand and twirls me around to the beat of the music.

"Dance, silly!"

"Okay, okay!" I mimicked Nancy's dance moves and felt my way through the music. I felt free in a way, like nothing could stop me, which was probably because I was bit drunk. Me and Nancy drank and danced for a straight hour. It was the best I've ever felt this whole year.

"Oh god." Nancy covered her mouth. I look at her and she looked paler than ever.

"Are you-

"Oh shit!" She ran passed by me and disappeared into the crowd.

"Wait Nancy!" I ran straight after her, trying not to loose her sight.

I ran with all speed and suddenly as I exited through the main living room, my head collided into a guy's chest. We both fell and he unfortunately spilled the two drinks he was holding. It took a few seconds before I was fully aware of what had happened.

I got up with some difficulty and patted the spilled alcohol of my jeans. "Fuck, are your all right?"

"What do you think?", his face seemed to say, 'Fuck no...' .

"Uh sorry, do you want me to get you another drink?" I felt bad, so I offered.

The guy rolled his eyes. "Just watch where you're fucking going next time."

I scoff. What an asshole.

He then placed his hands on my shoulders. "Next time, pay attention to your surroundings, lemon."


I suddenly get interrupted by a blond haired girl who was wearing a deep v neck crop top that revealed her chest to the max. "Steve! What is taking you so long? Where the fuck are our drinks?"

Steve leans on the wall behind him, while crossing his arms and scanning my body.

I could feel my face starting to heat up.

His eyes squint at my big, wet alcohol stain on my thigh and laughs.

"What the fuck is so funny, Steve?" The blonde haired girl asks, while glaring at me.

Steve doesn't reply. He keeps on laughing, while putting on his sunglasses at the same time. I roll my eyes and somehow spot Nancy speaking on the phone from the corner of eye.

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