1. The Twilight movies stick to the books better. They're shorter books, OBviously. Twilight movies are practically the books, just in film. Complete with sparkling fairy princesses and Animagi. They stick really closely to the books and don't make weird changes. Sweetheart, that's the third time you've said that idea. Come up with something new. Also all of the characters match their descriptions, like Edward, Jacob and Bella – all match their physical descriptions in the books. In HP... not so much. Yeah, sweetheart, nothing's perfect. They did what they did. For example, Percy Weasley in HP is supposed to wear glasses, and he didn't wear them in the movie; Harry's scar is supposed to be in the middle of his forehead and not way of the side. Come on, he could have gotten contact lenses. Maybe they couldn't afford glasses for him. Daniel Radcliffe went through so many pairs, they might have not been able to get any more pairs. Thus Harry Potter movies are much less faithful to the books. Remember, sweetheart, the Harry Potter books were extremely long. They had to boot stuff to make it work. Nobody'll go to a five-hour movie.