Three- The Unwelcome reunion

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A damp and dank scent fills my scenes unwelcoming I cough and taste the sharp copper tang of my own blood. I open my eyes to see where the hell I am. But there's nothing but the blackness and the sound of a heartbeat running out of control. I try to breath but meet with the foul stench of years and years of rotting flesh, years old blood. A bile rises up in my throat sharply but I'm able to keep it down. But who knows for how long.

I open my eyes as soon as I feel drops of something hit my skin again. I feel the muscles in the area contract and relax slowly. As soon as my eyes open everything is blurry, and ringing extremely annoyingly. I blind to see that there's someone above me. Slowly everything comes into focus and the ringing stops gradually. I'm meet by sobs of a woman. I move to look around and wince from the sudden flash of searing pain cuts through my body savagely. A gasp sounds suddenly and close to where I am laying. I look over to where the sound can from to see a young woman sitting next to my head with tears running down her face as if running away from something.

"J-Jak...?" A shaky voice comes from behind her hands. I recognize her voice with easy.

"Dahlia..?" I ask hushedly but to my ears it sounds hoarse and raspy as if I've been out in a coma for a couple years. Dahlia smiles and cries again but I can tell that it's joyful tears. Her forehead rests against mine and holds my head close to her as if she knows I'm in pain.

"I thought you were dead." She says hushedly as she looks up into my eyes. I see relief and trust. Even another emotion I'm still shocked to see in her warm hazel eyes.

"It takes more than whatever they did to me to kill me, dear." I say as I move to get up. As I move I see that she's not wearing the clothes from before, instead she's wearing a too tight of a corset that seems to cling to her breast, a too short of a skirt ends just below the midpoint of her thighs. I stare at her in shock but secretly I enjoy seeing her in the outfit.

She must of notice it because she looks at herself and back at me but she looks away from me quickly, and speaks uneasily, "They put this on me forcefully and tried to...."

She chokes up and start to break down again. I wrap my arms around her and pull her closer to me. I look around to see that we're in a bare cellar. One wooden door probably bolted shut on the other side, and one barred up window off to the side of where I'm laying on a pile of blankets, straw and a worn out yet not falling apart mattress. Water drips from the window and ceiling in the corner. I also notice that it's just a couple minutes after sunset. Nighttime is where the monsters seem to come out, but the daytime is when the most dangerous of the monsters seem to come out of hiding and try to strike you down. I hear movement from upstairs, and it seems to be moving closer to where we are. I pull away from her and wipe away the tears that seem to cry out to my own heart.

"Dahlia you need to pretend that I'm still unconscious okay?" I say calmly and hushedly as I have her look into my eyes.

She looks up and shake her head rapidly, "No I won't. I can't."

Her voice cracks and so do tears of sadness appear running to her call. I feel my heart start to twist in pain from the sight. I told myself not to get close to anyone again, but I broke that one rule when I met Dahlia. I realized that as soon as I kept on keeping Dahlia safe from harm; I just didn't realize it then and if I did I didn't want to say at that I had gotten close to her.

"Listen to me Dahlia if they find out that I'm up and able to move then who knows what they'll do to you or to me." I say hushedly and sternly. Her eye widen and she nods slowly. I sigh and kiss her forehead gently and murmur against her skin, "Bleiben Sie sicher meine süße Blume." Stay safe my sweet flower.

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