5:13, October 21, 2017

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   We didn't go back to my flat. Instead we went to the coffee house we met at. It was Lucy's idea and well yea. We play 20 questions about each other. She's 22, has a bunch of family in Scotland and (obviously) works with me as an MI6 agent.
  I'm 23, and I didn't talk about my family other than that they're alive. It was very uninteresting on my part. I sipped my coffee and looked out the window.
  "Panda?" Lucy was waving her hand in front of my face. That's me.
  "Yes, Rose?" I replied. Almost forgot about the nicknames we have each other. I shifted my gaze to her and waited for a response.her eyes and cheeks became tinted pink.
  "Y-You just were staring out the window," she blushed and shifted in her chair, "I couldn't get your attention."
  "Well shall we head back? I know Sam is waiting."
  "Who's Sam?"
  "My best friend. It's the solstice tonight."
  "Are you having a party?"
  "Just Sam and I, unless you want to join?"
  "Yeah, sure I don't have anything else to do."
  "Brilliant." I exclaimed, jumping up and throwing away our empty coffees. "It's only a short walk away." She smiled and grabbed my hand as we walked out.
  "Do you live with anyone else?" She questioned a little while after leaving the coffee house.
  "Yeah, just recently I helped someone who I consider a grandmother to me move in. What about you?" I said turning around and walking backwards.
  "It's just me." She said looking at me quizzically. "What are you doing, Panda?"
  "It's better to talk face to face so I'm walking backwards."
  She laughed, a bit of hair falling in her face. I reached out and brushed it back behind her ear. My eyes turned yellow with embarrassment as her turned pink. I cleared my throat.
  "Well, um, we have arrived at my humble abode." I announced, grabbing my keys and unlocking the door to the building. "I live on the second floor so it's not to far."
   She nodded, still blushing as we walked up the stairs. I realized we never let go of each others hands. I fumbled a bit trying to unlock the front door to my flat but eventually succeeded in opening it.
   As we walked in I smelt my familiar smell of lemon and jasmine.
  "Oh, is that you Celestia?" I heard Ms. Howard call from somewhere near the kitchen. "Samantha arrived while you were out."
  "Ah, okay, thank you for the update Ms. Howard." I replied taking my shoes and jacket off. I noted the change in Sam's gender and took a mental note. Pronouns are she. I set my bag on the table in the doorway and beckoned for Rose to follow me. "Ms. Howard," I started as I reached the kitchen, will you be joining us for our small solstice party?" She looked up and smiled.
   "No, not this year dearies." She took off her apron, setting dinner on the counter. "I'm quite tired so I think I'll head off to bed early."
  I nodded and walked around the corner to the lounge where I saw Sam, a glass of wine in hand and some more alcohol set out on the table behind her.
  "Of course, red wine as always Sam?." I laughed a bit. Always so predictable. "I brought Ro-Lucy with me for tonight."
   "Yay!" She exclaimed, getting up and hugging her. "The more the merrier, I say." I shook my head. I took my gun from my waistband and set it on the coffee table. "Uh uh, no guns on the table."
"Seriously, Sam.
"Yes! We are having fun tonight."
"It's my house though."
"I don't care. Put the gun up."
  Lucy's head was going back and forth like she was watching a tennis match. I grabbed the gun and walked to my room setting it on the dresser.
  "So Luce, what would you like to drink?" Sam asked showing her the options of wine, vodka, beer, and margaritas.
  "Um, I'll take some wine." Rose responded, taking a seat on the end of the couch. I signed (They're fluent in ASL) for a beer and took a seat at the other end of the couch near the window. Sam handed me my beer and Rose her glass of wine.
   "So darlings, what movie shall we watch?" Sam asked us.
   "Let's marathon the Harry Potter series." Rose suggested. I nodded in agreement, taking a drink of my beer. Knock. Knock. Rose jumped at the sound while I sighed. I got up setting my beer down and answering the door.
   "Can I help you?" I said not looking at who it was.
   "You sure can, sweetheart." A gruff and slight slurred voice answered. Mr. Johnson. I signed behind my back for my gun. I heard a shuffling of feet and then felt the cold metal weapon in my hand.
  "You need something there, Mr. Johnson?" Sam's voice.
  "How many more beauties you got here, Celestia?" Douchebag.
  "At least 3 more out of your league, asshole." Me.
  "Ooh, fiesty aren't you?" Douchebag.
  "Get lost, buddy." Sam.
  "Not until I get what I want." Douche.
  "Which is?" Sam.
  "You girls." Douche.
  "You're never getting what you want then." Sam.
  "I think I can overpower a couple girls and a freak." Douche. Okay this had gone far enough.
  "Can you overpower a gun, Mr. Johnson?" I asked, shoving the gun into his stomach. I clicked the safety off and looked him in the eye. "I suggest that you go back to your flat and leave us alone."
  His eyes widened in fear and scuttled back to his flat. Sighing in relief I clicked the safety back on and set the gun on the table by the door.
  "Sorry about that Rose." I said a bit too cheerfully. "He's a drunk."
   "As long as everyone is okay." She smiled and I could've melted there and then if Sam didn't drag me back to my spot on the couch. She then made Rose move closer to me. I looked at her confused since she always took the middle. She just shook her head, smiling softly and threw a blanket over all of us.  Rose snuggled into my side as Sam clicked on the first movie. It's going to be a good night.

Hello peoples of Earth! I have decided that I want feedback from the very few people reading my story. You don't have to give any but it will be appreciated if you do.
Also I realize the different fonts and stuff is confusing so to clear that up here:
When the text is like this-> italics that is Celestia's thoughts.
When it's like this-> bold it's a noise that she's hearing.
And lastly when it's like this-> bold italics it is an A/N
Now as some of you know Thanksgiving Break is coming up (for me at least) and I may not be able to update every Wednesday but maybe even twice a week. We'll see but I'll post as often as possible Thanksgiving break but if not I'll still keep the Wednesday schedule. Anyways, thank you so much for reading and I'll see you all next Wednesday!

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