Sienna kissed Max causing him to detransform. Sienna breaks out the kiss but something happened. Her pandant was glowing and so was his. She ran away and the pandant's glow got darker. Max walked closer to her and the pandant glew brighter. They both were confused but some how they knew that this was fate. Sienna runs closer to Max and jumps into his arms. Their pendant's glow grow brighter and brighter. Jaxson was watching from a distance and became angrier and angrier. "You will be my queen Sienna if you like or not," Jaxson whispered. Sienna and Max sit down by the lake smiling. "I feel like we are being watched by someone," Sienna says. Max pulls her closer "Don't worry I'll protect you," Max says in a flirty voice. Sienna rolls her eyes "I don't need no prince charming," Sienna says jokingly. "Yeah right Sienna if didn't save you than you would have been Mrs. Sienna Rose," Max jokes. "I pefer to be Sienna Hearts," Sienna says and smiles. Max last name was Hearts and he was shocked to hear that. Jaxson comes from behid the bush. "Sienna why would you marry a monster and not a king," Jaxson says calmly. Sienna runs while Max jumps to protect her. "Leave her alone Jaxson because your the monster not me," Max yells. "You have a lot of nerve to say that to me Max. Give it up she liked me and she always will," Jaxson yells back. "She never liked you and she never will. I have to protect my princess in any way possible," Max yells. Sienna comes out and attacks Jaxson. "Sorry Jaxson but I have to save my prince," Sienna says. Max grabs Sienna hand and runs home. Jaxson reaches his hand out and starts crying "don't go my queen please I do have a heart," Jaxson cries. Sky was recording what Jaxson said and she ran to Sienna. "Sister, Sister Look at this," Sky says to Sienna. She shows her the video of Jaxson and Max watches too. " He attacked me, he kidnapped you, Jaxson doesn't have a heart," Max says in a rude tone. The doorbell rings and Sienna goes to get it. It was Jaxson with a sad face and tears rolling down it. "Jaxson why are you crying," Sienna say worried. "May I come in Sienna?" Jaxson says while crying. Sienna nods and looks at Max. Max is jealous.

The amulet
FanfictionTwo best friend in love with each other have a crazy adventure as Sienna constantly get kidnap by Jax the crazy boy who loves Sienna while Jax is helped by his brother Bryson who has a crush on the same girl. During all of this Sienna and Max figure...