chapter 1

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The brown haired girl sat up as she slowly awoke from her nap. It was 5:30pm on Saturday. She had stayed up until 3 in the morning the night before because she was at a party and she had to wake up at 8 am for a volleyball game, so she was exhausted, even after her nap. She woke up to the sound of her parents yelling at each other downstairs. Ever since their move from a small town in Indiana to the LA, her parents couldn't seem to get along, all they did was argue.
          But, thankfully, she had her brother Mason. Her an Mason were very close and were only a year apart. Mason was 15 and Olive was 16. Since their move, Olive had managed to make exactly 2 friends, Emily and Anna. Mason, on the other hand, was basically the one who ran the school, he was very athletic and talented, he had taken the starting position as varsity quarterback at their new school as a sophomore. So, as made pretty clear, Mason had a lot of friends and was one, if not the most popular boy in school.
       Olive wasn't the most popular and she sure as hell wasn't the prettiest girl in the school. She was curvy, she wasn't as skinny as she wanted to be, not anywhere close. She had long dark brown hair and hazel eyes. Oh yeah, one more thing about Olive, she was boarder line obsessed with Stranger Things and IT as well as the casts for both shows. She had gone to the C2E2 in chicago this past year where she met the Finn Wolfhard, which was the best day of her life. She loved him, looked up to him and he was what got her through the move and helped ease her pain and depression.
        (Enough about the background, now back to the story)
       She woke up to the sound of her parents yelling at each other, and to the sound of her door opening. When she sat up she saw Mason entering her room. She just sat and looked at him while he made him way over to her king sized bed. He sat down next to her and a single tear ran down his face. Olive asked him what was wrong, even though she already knew the answer, he was upset about their parents fighting. He didn't answer her, instead he just wrapped his arms around her and sunk a little big into her body. Olive just sat, arms wrapped around him and tried to comfort him.
Mason was always very sensitive, especially to their parents fighting, and ever since the moved to Los Angeles, it had gotten worse and worse. He was very sensitive, and the only person to know that about him was Olive. She was always there to comfort him and he was always there to comfort her. They were each other's main, if not only, source of support.
After about 35 minutes of just sitting there. Mason finally moved and asked Olive if they could go to a movie. Olive agreed and told him she would change clothes, get some money and then they could leave. Olive went to her closet, pulled out a pair of black leggings and a UCLA long sleeve oversized shirt and put on her all white nike sneakers and threw her hair up into a high pony tail. She grabbed her money out of her wallet and grabbed her keys and her and Mason made their way out of the house and on their way to the movie theatre. They decided they were going to see 'Happy Death Day' since that was the only movie out that looked decent and wasn't IT. they purchased their tickets and made their way into the theatre.
The movie finished at 8:45 and the brother and sister made their way out of the theater. Olive stopped to use the bathroom and Mason was waiting outside for her. While waiting, Mason saw one of his friends from school who had sparked up a conversation with him. Olive came out of the bathroom to see Mason talking to one of his friends.
Olive then offered to go get the car while her brother and his friend continued the conversation. At first, Mason objected, but then he agreed. Olive then made her way out of the lobby and started on her walk to the car. On her walk, her phone buzzed, but she didn't hear it. She made it to her car and she then made her way over to the front of the theater and waited for Mason to walk over to the car
Mason soon came over to the car, but he had brought his friend with him. Mason sat in the passenger seat of the 2017 Jeep Sahara Unlimited, while his friend, Dane, made his way into the back seat. Mason asked Olive if they could drop Dane off at his house, naturally Olive agreed. She started driving to Dane's house when it hit her, she was just at the movie theatre that the IT cast went to on their cast outing. She internally started to freak out, because, who wouldn't? But, she eventually gained her cool again and finished driving to Dane's house. She dropped Dane off and he thanked the two of them and he made his way into his house.
Mason and Olive arrived home at around 9:30. They made their way into the house and went straight upstairs to Olive's room to watch Friends, one of their favorite shows. They watched about 3 episodes before Olive checked her phone. When she checked her phone, she saw that an unknown number had sent her a text which read


Olive didn't recognize the number, and after all, why would she, she was new to town and only talked to two people. She decided to respond anyways, because why not, she through maybe she'll make a new friend.

olive: hey bud, i think u have
the wrong number. but what
happened. i want to know
now lol

The stranger didn't answer within an hour, so Olive just figured that they weren't going to respond, she could not have been more wrong. But, she plugged her phone in and turned on do not disturb so she and Mason wouldn't be bothered while watching Friends.
Mason and Olive, both exhausted, fell asleep in the middle of an episode at around 12:45am. They fell asleep before Olive was able to see the most recent text from this 'stranger'
Little did Olive know that this simple text from this 'stranger' would change her life completely.

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