Chapter 2

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Y/n's POV:

I tightened the Obelisk Blue skirt around my waist and stared in the mirror. Today marked my official start at Duel Academy, and I was excited for classes!

A knock on the door startled me, but I checked the peephole anyway. Habit.

"Cousin!" I exclaimed, pulling open the door to reveal a smiling Zane Truesdale. "Hi!"

Zane gave me a quick hug and said, "You ready for your classes?"

I nodded enthusiastically. "Where's my first class?"

Zane handed me a map and my schedule. "I really wish I could show you around, but I don't have the time at the moment. Maybe my brother or his friend Jaden could help me out by doing so sometime."

"Anything else?" I ask, tucking a h/l strand behind my ear.

"That should be it. You'll get your books in your classes and from there, make sure you have a study buddy in each class to get homework from."

I nod again and head out, following Zane until he headed the exact opposite direction I wanted to go. It was good to see my cousin again-

"Hey, princess, you lost?"

I groan loudly. I know that voice......

Keep walking!

No! Let him lead us to class. He might even take our haaaaaannnnddd.......

No! We're a capable young woman and we can do this by ourselves!

Finally, I just keep walking until I'm outside Fusions. He's still behind me.

"What do you want, Rhodes?" I snap.

Atticus shrugs. "This is my first class too!"

Double groan.

When we get inside, the professor instructs me to take a seat next to a boy in a Slifer jacket. He grins and offers me a handshake. "Hi! I'm Jaden Yuki, and this is my buddy Syrus!"

"I already know Sy, but it's lovely to meet you, Jaden! Zane's told me a lot about you," I say, grasping his hand firmly.

"Zane?" Jaden says, then turns to my cousin. "Who is this girl?"

"My cousin. She's a year older than me." Syrus waves to me and I wave back.

"So she's related to you? But she doesn't look like a Smurf!"

Syrus cocks his head. "What's a-"

But Jaden and I are already cracking up.

After class, I head to lunch, which is in the Obelisk cafeteria and looks amazing.

"I'd suggest those tiny little clams, but that's just me."

I jump at the sound of Atticus's voice and almost drop my tray. "Are you trying to give me a heart attack?"

Atticus laughed. "No, I just wanted to maybe....." he leaned in and whispered in my ear, "make your heart jump when I'm around."

I twist around and glare at him. If looks could kill.....well, let's just say there would be a smoking pile of dust where Atticus is standing.

"Come on, princess, if you're not gonna flirt back, we may as well be friends!"

That's a laugh. I giggle right in his face and turn to go.

He jumps in front of me. 

Over his shoulder I catch some sympathetic looks from third-year boys who have clearly seen girls in this situation before. I sigh and say, "Atticus, I'm stuck in the first-day-of-school-don't-know-where-to-sit-at-lunch cliche. May I sit with you?"

Atticus laughs. "You didn't even have to ask, my pri- I mean Y/n," he corrects himself, catching my look.

We find an empty table that is almost instantly filled with some flirty first-year and second-year girls who clearly want some of Atticus's attention. He addresses every one by name and flirts mercilessly the whole lunch. I notice one of the girls, who he called both Lexi and Sissy several times, is leaning her chin on her hand, looking bored.

After lunch, I jump up and catch her in the hallway. "Not smitten by Mr. Thinks-He's-Cupid either?" I ask.

She laughs. "If I was I'd be concerned. He's my brother."

"I am so sorry," I say, and we both laugh. It turns out Alexis's room is right next to mine and we instantly become friends, chatting until the bell rings and we have to go.

My next class, History, flies by and before I know it, I'm at that same table, this time sitting by Lexi and talking about the class. Atticus acts bored and pretends to fall asleep in his lasagna, which the other girls seem to think is funny, and they even get him napkins and- ew- wipe off his sauce-and-noodle-covered face.

After dinner, Atticus insists on walking Lex and me back to our dorms, since we're, to quote him, "respectable young ladies who shouldn't be on their own."

He drops Alexis off first, then waits until I unlock my door before grabbing my hand. "Princess....."

"Thank you," I blurt.

"Huh?" he asks, confused.

"Thanks for saving me. I could have drowned and you, despite barely knowing me, saved my life. So, thanks." Then I duck in my room, slam the door and throw the blankets over my head, shaking slightly.

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