Chapter 9

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Shoot I'm late.




Jinx sprinted down the halls, her converses slapping roughly against the ground.

"What's the occasion." Says a voice from next to her.

"What the-" Jinx choked as Wally jogs next to her as she sprinted at maximum speed.

"Am I really that slow?!" She complained to the red head who just grinned at her.

"You know I'm going to find out how you're related to the Hive Five whether you tell me or not right?" He asked.

Jinx skidded to a stop in front of her class and took a breather.

"I have nothing to tell you." Jinx declared as she stepped into the classroom.

"Wrong!" He said in a sing song voice, "See you next passing period Lucky!"

This idiot's gonna be the death of me

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How do I end up in these stupid situations?

Maybe it's her lack of luck or her knack for causing trouble, or maybe it's the red headed idiot that's making her head pound.

The moment she'd left the classroom before lunch her heart had started convulsing in her chest.

What am I going to do?!

Wally's going to investigate me!

And although he may be a idiot, he's not stupid.

He's going to find out!

Jinx had quickly made a excuse to make Raven go to lunch without her and now Jinx was panicking in the girls bathroom.

"It's okay Jinx, it's okay." She reassured herself, massaging her pained temple.

Her body was hurting and she was under so much stress and—

I should've taken more pain killers.

She tried to take a deep breath to ease her mind, a knock on the bathroom stall interrupted her

"Occupied!" Jinx called out trying to get more much needed panicking time.

"Sorry Lucky but I know you're just hiding in there." Came Wally's voice from behind the door.

"You idiot!" I yelled in protest, "This is the girls bathroom!"

There's silence from the other side, maybe he left.

"Come on out Jinx, you need to eat lunch." Wally said.

"Fine. I'll come out." Jinx complied, knowing that there's no way out of the situation.

She opened the door and stepped out, staring at him boldy, "What do you want Wally?"

"I need you to tell me all you know about the Hive Five." He answered with a serious expression.

"I said I don't know anything." Jinx snapped as she tried to tromp away.

His fingers wrapped around her wrist as Jinx pulled away, "No Jinx, tell me."

Jinx turned back to him, "No Wally, you tell me why you wanna know!"

"My Dad's a cop and he's on the Hive Five case." Wally admited, rubbing the back of his neck.

"So you're helping Daddy out." Jinx teased.

God its worse than I thought.

"That's not a good enough reason for me to help, I'm outa here." Jinx decided as she attempted to escape the situation.

"You need to tell me Jinx, please!" Wally exclaimed grabbing her hands and lowering his head.

This dude is begging?

Why does this matter so much?

"Listen Wally, I can't help you unless I get something out of it, and I stay a anonymous source of info, it's the Jinx code." Jinx said, all business now.

"Please!" He groaned desperately, surprising her, "I need this information!"

Jinx raised her eyebrows at him.

Was this the same guy that mixed his chocolate and strawberry milk at lunch?

"Listen Speedy," Jinx ordered as she poked him between his pleading eyes, "I need to think about it, I'll consider it, as long as you don't pressure me into answering."

Slowly a grin appears on his face, "Thanks so much Jinxie!" He cheered as he kissed up her arm.

Jolts zap up her arm each time his lips touch them, "Stop!"

She pushed him off with a huff, feeling flustered.

"Oh Lucky, you know you love my kisses!" He laughed.

"Yeah right, as soon as you stop drinking coffee." She joked.

"You never know Jinxie, maybe I could live without coffee!" Wally retorted.

"I seriously doubt that Wally, you'd probably drop dead within 10 minutes." Jinx snorted as they walked towards the lunch room.

When they made it outside and they were almost to the picnic table he leaned over, lips by her ear.

"Make sure to think about it okay?" He says lowering his voice a few levels.

She nodded stiffly and feel chaos and anxiety make their way into her mind.

Wally didn't sit across from her like he usually did, giving her some space.

He watched her interact with Raven, diagonal to her.

As two girls talked he noticed Jinx's sweater shift, showing a bit more of her collarbone.

A dark bruise resided there, a painful looking one.

He felt his eyebrows draw together in concern.

"You good, Dude?" Wally heard Victor ask.

"Yeah man." He said dismissively.

Jinx at this point was his only source of information, he needed her, he needed to keep her safe.

As a source of information and as a friend, someone was hurting her and he was going to find out who.

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