Chapter 11

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It hurt a lot.

But Jinx wouldn't let Bee know that.

After begging Bee not to pay the medical bill, which she did anyway, Jinx was forcefully given a ride home.

Now standing in front of the tree a horrible realization comes to mind.

"I can't climb the tree anymore Cleo, not until I get the cast off." Jinx murmured.

Bee gave her a stricken look as Jinx' headed towards the door.

Jinx peeped her head in and she's almost happy to see Cleo's mom making out with a questionable looking man on the kitchen counter.

Jinx waved to Bee one last time before tip toeing inside, it was 3 in the morning and Jinx was about to collapse.

Only when she was laying in bed did the realization come to her.

How am I gonna explain this?

And what am I gonna do about Wally?


He's not going to stop pestering me!

And how am I going to pay Bee back? I can't keep owing her favors.

Jinx had a memory of the first time she'd gone to Bee after getting a concusion.

She had begged for her not to pay for the hospital, but she did, as Bee always did.

"I'll pay her back." Jinx murmured to herself.

Throughout the years, especially during her time in Hive Five, Jinx had broken countless promises, but this was one Jinx refused to break.
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As Jinx shuffled into school the attention she got was extreme, maybe it was because she was actually on time to class, or maybe it was the cast.

Either way when she took her spot between Raven and Vincent in first period they looked at her in concern.

"What happened Jinx?" Raven hissed.

"I broke my elbow." Jinx responded.

"That's one nasty break." Vincent muttered.

"It was one nasty fall." Jinx wittily said back.

He gave her a smile.

"You might have some trouble moving your arm after you cast comes off." Raven considered.

"Mmhm maybe." Jinx thought.

I wouldn't be able to pay for physical therapy.

"Actually Jinx, my dad's a physical therapist maybe you could get some from him." Vincent offered.

Jinx considered the thought.

"Can I get a discount for being your friend?" Jinx pondered aloud.

"Why? Is your family having trouble with money?" He asked sounding concerned.

"Uuuuh...its complicated." Jinx retorted.

"Well you don't have to pay anything Jinx," He chuckled, "I wasn't going to let you pay anyways."

"B-but that's not fair, if you want something you have to pay for it, nothings for free!" Jinx stammered.

"It's technically free after you pay for it." Raven added.

Jinx groaned and rested her head on the table, "Okay Vincent, but I'm going to pay you back later okay?"

"I'm ready whenever you're ready." He declared.

Jinx nodded and slumped onto her desk, face down.

I've gotten so much debt lately.

And I still have to consider Wally's offer.

The bell rang and Junx sat up and Raven tapped her shoulder, "I took notes for you."

"Thanks Raven." Jinx beamed, "You're the best."

And she is.

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