Keep It Simple

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"Oscar." The little boy in front of me said, extending his hand towards me.

"Naomi." I replied shyly, shaking his hand lightly.

"Do you need some help there?" He asked refering to the drawing I was coloring.

"Um, okay." I replied, coloring in the sun that was in the corner of the drawing. Oscar picked up a green crayon and started coloring the leaves I had drawn.

"You're really pretty." He said after a few minutes of silence.

I blushed lightly. "Thank you." I said quietly, hiding my pink face in the curtain of my long blonde brown hair.

"Would you kiss me?" He suddenly asked. I looked at his eyes and saw that he was genuine.

"Well I just met you so it wouldn't be very right if I did ." I said timidly, I was nine, I wasn't used to  meeting new people yet.

"How about a contest?" He suggested.

"What kind of contest?"

"A coloring contest. We'll get one of those coloring books and the first one to finish coloring there page will be the winner."

"What's the prize?"

"If win you...have to kiss me." He thought about it for a momet before making his descision.

"And if win?" I asked

"You still get to kiss me." He said cheekily.

"How about if win you give me that cookie you have in your pocket?"

He thought for a moment before nodding. "Deal!" 


Naomi Tanner was not a complicated person. She woke up, went to school, went to dance practice, went home and repeat. But there was one part of her life that kept stuff a little interesting: Oscar Nuelle.

Oscar Nuelle was openly, hopelessly in love with Naomi. And he wasn't afraid to show it. Afer countless attempts for a single kiss from Naomi, he still hasn't given up. 

And when things get even more complicated, Naomi doesn't think she can handle it all.

All she wants is to Keep It Simple...

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