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Chapter One

If Ella Conrad had the power to go back in time and change one thing, she would most certainly change the placement of the obnoxiously crooked stair that caused her to fall flat on her face in front of her new peers. Maybe that was an overstatement; of course there were other things that she could change for the better, and of course she would put more thought into changing the past than using her rage to change one measly construction mishap. But even so, what may seem small and insignificant to others had left her with a crimson blush and a muttered, "whoops..." as she picked herself and her belongings back up, and made a point of finding her way up the rest of the stairs to the farthest row of the classroom.

She sat down, placing her things on the desk before her and hastily pulling her long brown hair out of the bun atop her head, the locks falling and framing her face in a curtain perfect for hiding behind if she tilted her head down far enough. She did so as she pulled out her phone and pretended to be distracted. She was early, perhaps a little too early, and while not many students were there to see her unfortunate fall, the point still held, and her embarrassment stayed stubbornly put.

She idly scrolled through various apps, aiming to distract herself from the heat in her face, and the few stares she got now and again. Minutes passed one by one, and more students pooled into the large classroom, finding their seats, a few chatting idly with those they recognized either from years prior, or simply from passing each other on campus some time before the present. Perhaps if Ella hadn't been so new to the area, she too would have found someone to chat with, but that paired with her fall from earlier had told her long ago that it was going to be one of those days.

It didn't take long for the conversation around Ella to switch to the time, ten after nine am, and for her peers (and herself) to question why the teacher still hadn't arrived. It was the first day and if anyone had the right to be late, it certainly wasn't the one in charge of this whole thing. One, two, more minutes passed, and there was still no sign.

At last, a man in the front row spoke up loud enough for all those in the room to hear; "What was that thing they told us in high school? If the professor is fifteen minutes late, we are free to go?" He said it with a small laugh as he got up, and for a moment a few followed suit beginning to gather their belongings. However, as the tall man made his way to the front of the room, crossing his arms and leaning pointedly against the desk, they paused just as quickly as they began.

Ella had put her phone away moments before, beginning to look around, grab bearing of her surroundings, and hope to spot someone similar to her in hopes of having someone decent to turn to if she ever missed class. Her attention, like many others', had turned to the man at the front of the room who was pointedly gazing at them, waiting for the small commotion to die down. When it finally did he brought his fingers to his hair, running them through his dark locks as he continued.

"I'm Alec Adonis; I'll be your Psychology professor for this semester."


"I know what you're all thinking, why was I just sitting with you guys instead of teaching?" He smiled, leaning onto his palms against the edge of the desk. "Well, the answer is simple, this is lesson one. Few of you knew each other when you walked into the room, and it is only natural for humans to search for an answer when a question is provided. In this case, you were all wondering where I was, whether you should leave, and just as I assumed you would, you guys turned to each other for answers. You did so even when put in a situation where very few of you knew the person you were talking to. This, in a way, forced you guys to become acquainted with those around you. Welcome to Psychology, I hope you all enjoy your stay," he lifted himself up onto the desk, crossing his legs and shrugging a bit as he continued, "also it's kind of flattering to be able to pass myself off as a student even though I'm near thirty. I consider it my mood booster for the year!" A few of those in his academic audience laughed, half awkwardly, half genuinely. Ella was not one of the few.

She had sunk lower into her seat, nervously tapping her nails on the fabric of her skirt, the crimson on her cheeks growing deeper. Although Mr. Adonis had introduced himself as a genuinely carefree, likeable guy, she felt something strange wash over her the few times he had glanced in her direction; a part of her knew it was inevitable that he had been one of the few who had seen her mishap as she made her way into the class earlier. That aside, he was also flaming hot, and a part of her had begun to consider once again, how taboo it would be to be involved with a professor. That itself had excited her quite a bit.

As he pulled out his copy of the syllabus for the semester, she watched him. As he spoke each word surely and confidently, she watched him. As he stood up in front of and directed more than a hundred students, she watched him.


Introducing the syllabus was a chore to Alec Adonis. While he tried to change it up every year, throw in a few jokes for shits and giggles, the general outline was always the same, and he could recite it by heart at this point. Alec Adonis was a man who craved excitement, freshness, and the indulgence of things that no one had the pleasant opportunity of enjoying prior to him. While the activities in Psychology throughout the year were easily changeable (the human mind is an endless void, perfect for exploration) the lesson taught with each activity, each project, each lecture... the lesson itself remained the same.

Perhaps one may find comfort in familiarity; in fact, some part of Alec easily admitted that he too enjoyed coming home to the luxury of knowing what was to happen next. However, he, as many others do, longed for the excitement of the unknown, the unexplored. Alec Adonis craved that taboo part of the world that few dared to indulge in. He desired something different.

When Ella Conrad found her way into his classroom, Alec knew—he just knew—that she was different. Perhaps it's because she oh so ungracefully sprawled herself and her belongings across the floor, perhaps it was the crimson in her cheeks—just a bit darker than others'—as she found her way to the back of the classroom, let her hair down, and hid behind the long dark locks on her head. Oh how badly he longed to pull her hair back, force her into the open, and see her crimson cheeks just one last time.

But, as he had become accustomed to convincing himself over the years, fantasy is only fantasy until the night time rolls around, and only then may he indulge in his cravings for as long as he pleases.

The hour drew on, and by the time the lesson came to a close, Alec Adonis found himself unfastening the top button of his shirt which had somehow begun to feel exceedingly tighter as he glanced up at Ella now and again, fantasizing about her petite form doing exactly as he desired, imagining the sounds she could make if he pushed her close enough to the edge. If anyone were to ask Alec who in the room best fit his darkest fantasies, Ella's would without a doubt be the first name to pass through his lips.

And just as she had caught his attention when she walked into the room, Ella Conrad caught his attention once again on her way out of the room. She lingered, picking up the few items she had removed from her bag throughout the hour, and placing them back into their respective pockets. By the time she had everything in its place, she was one of few who still remained. Taking great care, she made her way down to the front of the classroom, pointedly skipping the step that had caused her to sprawl herself across the floor in front of various others.

As Ella made her way to the door, she glanced over towards her new psychology professor, her gaze holding itself for a mere half second longer than would be considered normal. There was a tug at her chest, and a blush that followed. What she was feeling could only be described as a violent infatuation mixed with the lustful desire to know each and every part of this man.

But alas, it was only a fantasy—a fantasy that Alec Adonis tied into quite perfectly. Dark hair, dominant stature, sexy teacher... It was all she had ever imagined.

But just as any logical person would assume, the infatuation was one sided—at least that's what she thought.

End One

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2017 ⏰

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