why are you here

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  • Dedicated to carra

"What are you doing here Carra" I yelled at her not knowing that she could find me

"I came looking for you I got worried" she said then she turned to slendy

"Omg is that slender" she ran up to him her gold eyes sparkling with joy and her brown hair flying everywhere she ran up to and tried to give him a brofist but he didn't brofist back so she ended up punching him in the stomach then he wrapped his arms around her and was about to teleport away but I pulled Carra away from him

"You guys are real" she said as if it was a good thing

"Yes ther real and they all want kill you so we should leave" I said pushing her towards the door

"But I don't want to go" she wined

"You can't go" said slendy popping up behind us then grabbing us and teleportingdraW qus upstairs in to eyeless jack bedroom where jack was just sitting awkwardly on his bed

"JACK" Carra screamed running up to him and tackling him to the ground

Jack pulled out a knife and was about to stab Carra but I stopped him by pulling Carra away

"You guys can't leave your here to stay enles you want to die" slendy said

Of course Carra was okay with staying so she said yes then asked where she slept

"Your both get to choose where you sleep" said slendy

"Eyeless jack is mine"! Carra yelled

"Fine but I get jeff" I said

"Wait what no I sleep alone" jeff said

"To.bad she choose.you"

We went to his room and I just plopped down on his bed

"What are you doing" jeff said

"Going to sleep" I said

He pushed me off the bed but I just climbed back on so he left me alone he climbed into the bed and fell asleep and soon I did.too

A/N: super sorry I haven't updated in a long time school has been horrible so I couldn't but tomorrow is the last day of school so YEA by3

never go to sleep (jeff the killer x reader)Where stories live. Discover now