I'll miss you

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About a week I've been living in the creepy pasta house so I decided to go for a walk I haven't been out for a while so I walked into town

"Hey is that (y/n)" someone said behind I

You turned around to see who it was then you were knocked out


I woke barely able to see

"Hello we're am I" I yelled frighten I tried to get up but I was tied down

"Hello" a man said with a doctors mask on

"Who are you and what do you want" I yelled

"She's crazy I guess" another man said staring at me

"I'm not real don't Speak to me enless there gone or they'll kill you" the masked man said

"My names dr."he said

"Dr. what" I said

"Dr. John" John said

"Who are you talking to " the other man said

"Myself god fuck off" I said trying to not freak out

"He's coming" another man said running into the room

"Hello (y/n)" a tall skinny man who reminded me of slender but this one had a face

"How do you know me" I asked

"Because you were all over the news" one of the what I guessed were his minions said

"Yeah all your herd was (y/n) a young female has went missing the police will give an reward if any one can find her" the other minion said

"We'll you seem to know me but who are you" I asked

"Oh I'm sorry in didn't introduce myself I'm mr. light" he said

"Please untie me mr light" I said

"Okay if you don't run" he said


They untied me and I ran I'm so stupid

"Get her" light yelled

They ran after me and caught up they grab me and slammed me to the ground

"Please let me go"

never go to sleep (jeff the killer x reader)Where stories live. Discover now