Sam Imagine (When You Get Tortured)

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"Let her go!" I hear shouting as I'm thrown down. I scream in pain as I land on my back my arms tied behind my back, I hear a snap as I let out a bloodcurdling scream. I hear a cruel almost terrifying laugh when I break my arm, I feel my body being yanked up and I quickly gasp, trying to kick every way to protect myself. I hear the metal of my cuffs clank against more metal, my arms are above my body and I yell out when my arm pops out of socket.

"Let Her GO!" I hear his voice, Sam, my love. The burlap bag is pulled off my head and I look around at the dimly lit basement, I see Sam in handcuffs, he's in the same position as I am. My face is tear stained and I see anger surge through his eyes, his body begins shaking and I look at my captor. My ex boyfriend, he has been angry ever since I left him because I fell in love with Sam. In his hands, he has an electric rod, he turns it on and he shocks my stomach. I scream loudly and my body tenses up, my body continues to shake as he removes it. Sam's eyes grow darker as he becomes more furious and when the rod touches my back, my scream gets louder and I begin seeing dark spots in my vision. I hear the metal of his cuffs shaking against the metal he's attached to. I look up at him and his body shakes faster. The rod touches my stomach again and I scream as my vision begins going back. My ears begin ringing and before I pass out. I hear growls and the sound of bones breaking.

I wake up in a bright room that appears to be a hospital room. "Y/N! You're awake!!" Sam runs to my bedside and holds my hand as he grips my hands tight. "I'm so sorry! I wish I could've protected you!" His eyes become watery and he kisses my cheek as he begins to cry. "What happened..." I ask and look him in the eyes.

"Before I passed out.. I heard things." I say and start crying, terrified.

"Baby, I..There's something I need to tell you," he starts crying harder seeing how he is scaring me. "I'm.. not normal, I'm a.. Werewolf," he says and I freeze, visions of what happened last night before I passed out comes back.

"You broke free.. You became a big black wolf.." I say softly and I look in his eyes. His eyes look back and forth in mine as he tries to figure out what I'm gonna say. "Did... did you kill.. Did you kill him?" I ask softly and look away from him.

"No, I just knocked him around until he ran out and I came to get you," he pulls me close and holds me tight. "I love you.." he starts crying and lays his head in my neck. "I was afraid you died.. You barely moved until the nurses got you to wake up." He whispers and I hear his voice cracks and I kiss his cheek.

"I love you too, I'm alright, see I'm fine." I hug him tight and close my eyes.


I am so sorry!! I feel awful that I have been so busy! I started a new job and have gotten about 1 day off a week and had so much going on! I am gonna try to start writing again when I have time.

<3 LOVE Y'ALL <3

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2017 ⏰

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