Chapter 6

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I lost it. I totally just lost it.

I threw my phone against the wall and watched as it fell in pieces. I screamed, kicked the wall, fell onto my bed, and cried. I was tired of feeling this way. Actually, I was more than tired. 

I shut my blinds and sat on the floor, staring at the remains of my phone. 

Screw technology.

The next morning my alarm went off. Lazily, I shut it off and lay in bed and slept for as long as possible. 

I thought I heard a rustle outside, then a tapping on the window. I stepped over to it, and saw nothing. Shutting my blinds, I pulled on a coat and walked to the kitchen. 

I wandered around and pondered what to eat. Then I remembered that I shouldn't eat. Should I? 


I fought with myself for a while before giving up and letting myself go hungry. 

I decided to walk outside again because I had nothing to do.

When I reached the driveway, the cold air stung my cheeks. I felt rigid but I kept walking through the chill anyways. 

I turned at the corner and went only a few feet into the trees. 

I leaned against one and closed my eyes. I could feel the cold on every inch of my body.

I felt like I was finally feeling tranquility. That was until I heard a familiar rustle in the leaves.

Before I could react, a hand firmly grasped my shoulder and started to lead me away from the tree. 

I froze, thinking that this was some strange nightmare. Then, reality came right at me and I fought to escape, but my voice was lost. 

I felt something pound my back and pain ran through my body.

Where am I? What is going on? Am I dying?

I didn't know what to do. 

I was thrust into a vehicle and my head crashed against the sides.

The world around me faded to black.

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