Chapter 4

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As soon as I got inside the house, dad was sitting in the front room with uncle jinx and aunt sammi, waiting for me I guess.

"So did you find a tutor?" I roll my eyes and sigh deeply. "Yes dad I did, he's coming over today at five."

"You better not be lying to me Anna!" He says in a low and threatening voice.

"Dad i'm not the type to lie and you know that." I say nonchalantly.

"Hey there Anna." Jinx says. "Hey uncle jinx, Hi aunt sammi. I say smiling. They're my favorite out of my dad's friends.

"So dad, I um want to ask you something." I walk over and have a seat next to him. "What is it Anna?" I clear my throat and sit up straight. "So next Friday at my school is battle of the bands, and the winner gets a $3000 gift certificate at band central. Well you see Tilly she wants a new drum set. She asked me if I can help her win by joining her band."

My dad nods. "So you're asking me if you can join her band and if you can have your guitars back." I Nod slowly. "Please Daddy, I really want to do this. Please Daddy." I give Daddy the puppy dog eyes.

"I just can't say no to you when you pull that face. Okay we'll do it like this, after your tutoring session if I get good feedback from your tutor, then and only then will I give you back your guitars and allow you to play in battle of the bands."

I hug my dad tightly. "Oh thank you daddy, I love you so much." I kiss his cheek. "I love you too, now can you tell your brother I said to come here please."

I stand. "Okay Daddy." I turn and leave the front room. I go to Caleb room and knock on his door.

"Caleb, I know you're in there. Open up." The door open and there stands my brother. He's really tall like my father.

"What do you want Anna?" He seems irritated. "Dad wants you." He sighs deeply. "For what?" I shrug my shoulders and go inside my room.

I look and see my little sister Allexis rummaging through my things.

"What the hell are you doing in my things Allexis." I must've frighten her, because she drops whatever she's holding and stumble. She falls on the ground.

"I'm sorry Anna but I was trying to find your red lipstick."

"Why would you want some red lipstick?"

"It's not for me, Darby told me if I can get your red lipstick, that I can go with her today. I'm sorry Anna." She looks as if she were going to cry.

My little sister Allexis weren't like any of us. She was quiet and really kind. Which made her mostly everyone's favorite. And sometimes she can be a cry baby.

"Take the lipstick and beat it." She leaves happily. I close my door and begins to change my clothes.

I put on my Nirvana T shirt and some sweats. I then take  out my contacts. They are so irritating, but I'm as blind as a bat without them. I replace my contacts with my glasses. I bring my purple hair in a lazy ponytail.

Before leaving out my room, I slip on my batman socks.

In the distance, I hear my dad and Caleb arguing. They're always arguing.  I walk to the front room were they are. Jinx and Sammi must've left because they're nowhere to be found. My mom jenny, is trying to calm my dad.

"Andy please calm yourself." She says hugging my father.

"No I will not calm the fuck down jenny, I will not allow my own son to disrespect me in front of my friends in my own fucking home."

"Anna please take Caleb to his room." My mom says still hugging my father.

"Come on cal." I take Caleb hand and take him to his room.

"So what's the problem with you and dad now?

"I'm tired of him trying to run my life, I'm sorry Anna but I really don't want to talk about it can you leave please."

I leave his room quietly and closes the door.

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