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Pucker up those lips.
Straighten that hair.
Draw on some eyebrows.
Dye your hair.

All this for what?
To be expected by the "perfect" guy.
If he likes you he has to exept you for who you are.
Because expectation are sad and complicated things.

You change yourself for other to like you because they expect something of you.
When you are already so perfect.
People have this bias preconceived idea of how they want their perfect woman to be when in reality...

What is perfect?
Who gets to say she is perfect but she is not?
Because she has more love handles she is considered fat?
We are driving these poor girl too insanity.

Telling them who and what they have to be otherwise they won't find love.
We are sending them into a depressing ,imperfect lifestyle.
They need to be free.
They need to be strong individuals who stand together as a team. To tell people:

"I am beautiful just the way I am."

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