"Boys don't cry!"
"Stop being such a girl!"
So me showing emotion is me being weak.
So me not acting as if I'm a heartless robot makes me weak.
So your telling me that if i want to be me i shouldn't?Why?
Because you say so.
Because YOUR dad said so.
So showing you have feelings means that your less of a man.What the fuck is wrong with our society.
This is whats wrong:
We get told who we are supposed to be.
And if we dont agree we are considered outcasts.But why do they have the power to decide what is normal and what is not?
What is right and what is wrong?Arnt they just human aswel?
Just like me and you?
Who do they think they are?Just be who you want to be.
(If you can't do something it's not your fault and no one should force you.)