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Bakugou and Kirishima arrived shortly at the station, waiting patiently for the train to arrive. Usually early mornings the train wouldn't be as full as it is during the week, so it was a wonderful chance to go peacefully to kirishima's place without being squished like a damn sandwich. The boy next to him was chirping and grinning like a puppy, bakugou couldn't help but to sigh and shake his head. He himself was a bit excited too but he was not good at showing any type of emotion properly like anybody else.

Kirishima couldn't stop throwing secret glances to bakugou, he was happy that he can properly talk to him without getting rejected. Bakugou looked so nice without frowning 24/7 and that's something he should savor, for the sight is very rare. The train slowly made its way to the station and he pulled bakugou's shirt to let him know. Obviously he got annoyed by the small action but he let it slide.

The two of them stood aside for the passengers to get out, after that they went in. Bakugou saw some seats so he grabbed the other boy's hand and gently pulled him over so that they can sit. The train started to move and the view outside was beautiful especially when the sun is slowly rising up towards the sky.

"Do you want to eat breakfast when we get there? Mom probably made something delicious for us." said kirishima, holding his stomach as it was growling from hunger.

"Hell yea, I'm fucking starving over here." bakugou stated, he took out his phone and earphones and gave one to the redhead, without hesitation Kirishima accepted and put it on his ear. The blonde put some music on and the two listened until the end of the ride, humming and singing some of the lyrics.

After the ride they took a 7 minute walk, getting closer and closer to their destination until they finally got there. Kirishima squealed like a girl and opened the door for bakugou, the blonde went in and put his bag down. The redhead's mother came and gave a very heart warming hug to his son to welcome him. Bakugou stood there awkwardly watching the scene between mother and son, "Isn't that very nice huh? my old hag is not even fucking close to being this sweet with me." He growled quietly to not disturb the scene, kirshima's gentle mother came up to the blonde and gave him a hug too, at this point he just awkwardly hugged back a little bit shock from the sudden action.

"Nice to meet you bakugou, I'm kirishima's mom! Welcome and I hope you're comfortable here!! Please come in for this is your home and you're welcome anytime!" She Smiled brightly and went to the kitchen, the redhead laughed nervously as he rubbed his neck. "Sorry about that! My mom is a bit too overexcited hehe..."

Bakugou gave a small smile that wasn't quite too noticeable but knew that the redhead saw it just by looking at his reaction. "Its alright shitty hair, your mom is actually pretty cool." Just by hearing the blonde's comment, kirishima smiled and took the boy to his room. His room was full with different things including posters from his favorite hero; Crimson Riot. There was games and his console, especially a medium sized flat screen suitable for playing, the bed was done neatly and there seems to be no mess. Honestly bakugou was amazed by the neatness of the room, he expected it to be eh more messy and crazy but he knew he shouldn't judge too quickly.

"You can leave your bag here for now and let's go downstairs to eat" bakugou didn't need to be told once and follows the redhead downstairs towards the kitchen. The three ate breakfast and talked about random topics, there they thanked for the food and went upstairs to play games. Bakugou's head started to spin so he stopped for a moment to rest a bit and went back to going up the stairs.

"You wanna play COD?! I have almost all the games so you choose!" Kirishima chirped as he was quite proud of his game selections, he had variety of different games to RPG games and fighting games to COD the ones involved with guns. Bakugou chose one and they quickly sat down to play not paying attention to everything else.

After endless rounds of winning and loosing, bakugou groaned in anger and threw his head back cursing out every word he knew. The redhead was cheering and laughing obviously happy for beating bakugou in the last round. "Ha! It was a good game but of course I won!! Yahoo!"
The blonde's head was about to split in two by now and he started to get the damn shivers, he knew he was getting sick but he didn't want to worry the redhead. Of course Kirishima wasn't dumb and started to notice something off about the boy next to him.
His face seemed flushed and his hair looks damped from sweat, he thought maybe it was due to playing hard throughout the rounds of playing COD.

Bakugou looked over to Kirishima, "Oi bastard, let's go outside and run for a bit" He got up, stretched his sore arms and back then went towards his bag to grab out a pair of sweatpants and black T-Shirt. Kirishima got up to change as well, he knew not to question bakugou so he just simply agreed.

They went outside prepared their arms and legs then went off running, Kirishima suggested they should run up towards a hill not to far to his place, the blonde nodded and continued running. There was kids walking with their moms and bikers riding their bikes also other several runners running as well going to the opposite direction.

Bakugou mentally cursed to himself as his headache got worse but he continued running, he felt the redhead's glare but ignored it and acted normal. After the run they went back to kirishima's place to grab cold beverages to cool themselves off. They each took showers to washout the disgusting sweat. By this time Kirishima knew something was wrong with bakugou.

When the blonde came out he decided to ask him what's wrong, "Yo bakugou, you okay? you don't look well." He watched bakugou, his breathing was heavy and his cheeks were colored with a tint of red.

"Of course I'm...fucking okay you idiot.."

Kirishima wasn't convinced so he touched the blonde's forehead and from the touch he felt the palm of his hand burn. "Of course...why didn't you tell me you were sick you idiot.."

"For the love of god you're sick Bakugou!" He frowned and shook his head.

Bakugou slapped the boy's hand away and refused to accept the fact that he's obviously burning from a fever. "No I'm no-" He didn't finished his sentence and wobbled, completely on the verge to pass out but Kirishima quickly grabbed him from falling.

"No more arguments, you're sick and you need to rest now."

"Tch" Bakugou hated showing his weak side but didn't argued back so he lay down in the kirishima's soft mattress. Kirishima quickly went to the kitchen to grab a bowl of cold water and a towel, he went back upstairs and damped the towel with water. He proceeded to apply it on the blondes forehead gently, bakugou hissed a bit from the cold contact and sighed.

He looked over at kirishima with gratitude and the redhead smiled softly. Bakugou then closed his eyes as he was exhausted, kirishima stroke his hair gently as if he was a baby. He got up slowly to leave him to rest up but he felt a hand grab his wrist, surprised he looked back to see bakugou awake again.

"What is it?" He asked. Bakugou looked away embarrassed and struggle to talk.

"Uhh..fuck- um...can you stay here with me..please..." Bakugou shyly asked and blushed as he quickly pulls his hand away. Kirishima stood there shocked at bakugou's request and turned red, he never expected bakugou to ask something like that so he went back.

"Of course I'll stay man" He grinned and pulled the covers over so he can lay in, bakugou shyly scooted towards the redhead and closed his eyes. This time he was in deep sleep and kirishima quietly watched him sleep, he subconsciously lifted his hand and caresses the blonde's soft smooth face.

"Sleep well.." The redhead whispered and drifted to sleep next to bakugou. The two of them peacefully slept snuggled up next to each other's presence.

(Holy fudge this was the longest chapter I ever wrote-
Sorry for not updating the story ;;
school was giving me all these projects xD
Enjoy reading some kiribaku! even tho its cliche asf 😂)

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