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Yanna pov
I came downstairs "Zy'lier"I yelled no answer I called his name again I grabbed B phone ig he left it here and I called Zy "hello" he said "baby where are u" I asked "me and B just went to the store we will be back okay baby" he said "ok baby I love u" I said "I love u to baby" he said then he hung up I went back upstairs got on my computer to look a baby stuff
Zy'lier pov
"Bruh in freaking out I never left yanna at home by herself man" I said "calm down nigga we just gotts make the story right and we gone be out in no time" B said I sat up in my seat then a fat black officer came up to us "so what happen" he asked just staring at us "nigga was talking shit..." The officer cut em off "I don't appreciate that tone your using please change it" he asked "oh sorry that nigger was talking shit about his girlfriend he said meet him up Inna alley he did they faught and Quasi got his ass beat idk where y'all got gunshots from bc wasn't no gunshots" B said the officer looked at me "why he want ya girl" the officer asked "idk he wanted her but he couldn't have her so he got that ass ate up instead" I said he got up and walked away 23 minutes later he came back "Quasi saying something different but we not gone keep ya here heard u got ya wife at home but in 2 days your both coming back" he said we both nodded we got up and left
45 minutes later
Yanna pov
I was starting to worry Zy'lier still isn't back and its been over an hour I hope hes okay I walked downstairs but I felt a sharp pain and fell the rest of the way down "ow omg" I said crying then Zy and B came in "baby are u okay" Zy asked grabbing me I couldnt talk all I could do is cry he picked me up and took me out to the car "B get the door hurry I think something is wrong" I said B opened the door I sat her inside and I got in with her while B was driving "baby tell me where it hurts" u said she pointed to her kitty kat I touched down there it was blood my best dropped "BABY YOUR BLEEDING" I yelled crying


What happen to the baby 😔😭

Is yanna ok 🤔

Is Zy ok 🤔

Keep reading 💘💍😍💯

Bye loves 💘❤💚💙💗💖💕💓💛💜💝💞

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