•1• Weird Night

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Your POV

You were lying in bed trying to fall asleep until you heard a weird sound. It sounded like metal being smashed into the ground, you and your stupid sleepy self, blamed the cat. You were too tired to care so you went to sleep. then you slowly open your eyes and close them again, 'I swear that's Thor taking his shirt off... meh iv seen weirder its probably from lack of sleep' you thought to yourself and turn towards the wall.


You turn over again and cuddle up to your fuzzy blanket, the one you  keep separate just in case you get cold  during the night. It was warmer than usual but you liked it, You wrapped your arms around it and wrested your head on it. all of a sudden it moves, you look up from where you were lying and you saw... Thor. 'why are you in my bed' is the first thing that popped into your mind. then you fell back asleep with your arm wrapped around his.


You wake up to see that your arm is wrapped around your blanket in the shape of his arm, you look to the door and see him leave, then to the floor and see cat food everywhere and the bowl was tipped. You sigh "it wasn't the cat," you say facepalming and go back to bed.

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