•8• Allyway

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Thor was walking back form the movie theater. As he's walking home he decides to take the short cut... the alleyway. "Ugh...well it's a lot shorter this way" he whisper to himself knowing it wasn't the best idea but he's feeling lazy tonight. He slowly makes his way throw the dark extended alleyway. He hears a thud behind him, his ear twitches to the unexpected sound, at this point he was in the middle of the ally. He slowly turns his head to see two men in black. His stomach turns and is heart races. The man swiftly pulls the gun out form his jacket and pointes it at Thor. Thor cusses under his breath quickly coming up with a plan. He then kicks the gun out of his hand. An unexpected punch to the face knocks Thor onto the ground. Thor groaned in pain. The two guys started kicking him as hard as they could. Thor could feel the thick scarlet blood oozing form his mouth, he clenches his side in pain. He then kicks the man in the nuts. The man falls on the ground, Thor shakily stands up and grabs a brick he saw earlier and smashes it onto the mans head knowing him out. The other man hitting Thor In the eye.

Y/n's POV
"Hmm Thor hasn't been answering my calls"
"Maybe he's just running late?" You said to your self as your pastes back and forth with a finger in your mouth.
Right as you were about to get worried you see the door open. Standing there was your boyfriend all beaten up and bruised. His lip was busted up and swollen along with a black eye. You gasp and run over to him. "baby, what happened!" You say with tears now forming in your eyes, "I was taking the short cut home and out of nowhere  this guy points a gun at me, probably wanting money" he says with a hand over his eye. "Here let's clean you up and you can tell me everything" you say placing a kiss on his forehead. "I love you y/n"
"I love you to Thor"

Sorry if this is bad... I tried

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