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Anakin had taken off from Palpatine's quarters like a bullet from a railgun. His mind was racing. He could think of nothing but Ahsoka, and the pain she was going through. He had to find her, but how? He was running, but where? It was at this moment that it dawned on him, he had no idea. He hadn't heard a whisper of Ahsoka Tano since she left the order. He was supposed to be her protector, the knight riding in to save her, but that life was over. He had failed her.

Though he never stopped running, his thoughts began to drift. What if it was nothing? What if the vision he experienced was just a symptom of her absence? What if the mere lack of her presence was enough to convince Anakin that she was fading from existence?

No! Anakin thought. I know what I saw. Ahsoka's in danger, she needs my help.

Despite these thoughts, he kept running. He dashed straight out of the Senate Building and out into the City. He didn't know where he was going, maybe he didn't care. He went through rough, vague, pitiful plans in his head, trying to convince himself that he'd find her, but deep down he knew the truth. He was experiencing the same feeling that a parent gets when they lose their child... pure, blind panic.

He froze. He looked around, and suddenly felt lost. He'd been so deep in his thoughts, drowning in his fear, that he'd lost all sense of direction. He didn't know where he was. He took a deep breath, reached out, and sensed his surroundings. He had ran exactly two miles. He looked up, and stared into the distance at the marvellous spectacle that was the Jedi Temple, a building with more rich history than the rest of the galaxy combined. But right now, the sight of it didn't bring him any joy, only despair. This was their fault, all of it.

As if they could somehow hear him, Anakin's comlink flashed on his wrist. He pressed the receiver button, and was met with an imperative voice.

"Skywalker, this is Master Windu. You must return to the Temple immediately," he ordered sternly.
"Why? What's happened?" Anakin asked.
Windu responded in a cold, ominous tone.
"There's something you need to see,"

With that, Anakin set off. He now knew where he was going, and he didn't like it.

Anakin & Ahsoka: Two Souls - A Star Wars Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now