Chapter Two

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Lazy Saturdays are always my favorite. Sleeping in, not worrying about school, and getting to be home alone. For me. Sometimes.

Luckily today I was home alone. Isabelle was having a sleepover with a friend and my dad was on a business trip.

After lying in bed for awhile, I decided to get up and make some brunch since it was around twelve.

I ate some scrambled eggs and decided to go on a run not long after that. I hadn't been exercising for a bit and thought that that needed to change.

I put my running shorts on along with a crew-neck, pulled my hair back, got my music and phone ready to go, and headed out the door.

I went down my street and turned at the road that led me to the nearby park. I followed the trails in the park that's led to the high school. I hated coming here on the weekends but at least it was only for a few minutes.

It was just a minute before I was off campus by the parking lot but then I saw some smoke. Pausing my music, I walked closer to where it was coming from. I gasped in surprise when I saw what had caused it. Harry was sitting on the ground with his back up against the wall of a classroom smoking a blunt.

"What are you doing! Did you know that people work here on weekends?" I yelled at him. He jumped in surprise.

"Shh keep it down!" he said in a loud whisper.

I sat down next to the half high Harry. "Why are you here? There are plenty of other places to smoke without getting caught."

He sighed. "I was here for Saturday detention and I figured, why not? I've done it plenty of times before." he seemed very confident that he wouldn't get caught. "Want some?" he said offering me the blunt. I just shook my head.

"No thanks." he looked at me with determination. "C'mon why do you have to be so goody-goody all the time? Live a little! Why don't you go there?" he winked. I still shook my head.

"Like I've told you before, I don't want to." he just shrugged and sighed. "Fine. Suit yourself."

I looked at him as he put the blunt back up to his mouth. Sighing, I stood up to start running again. But before I could take off I felt Harry grab my wrist.

"Why are you leaving so soon?" I looked down at him confused. "Because I need to go back home?"

He rolled his eyes. "It's a Saturday. No school for another day. Here," he said standing up, "Let's go on a walk."

I smiled softly as he put his blunt out by stepping on it. "I don't want to be high if you don't want to." he smiled and we started walking but I cleared my throat loudly looking at his hand. "Oh right." he said as he let go of my wrist blushing. I giggled and we started walking towards the street.

After two minutes of silent walking, Harry walking on the outside while I was on the inside, I broke the silence, "Why are you being so nice to me? We've had classes together before and all of a sudden you've started talking to me. Why?"

He looked at me for what seemed like a minute, but in reality it was probably ten seconds, and just shrugged.

"When you walked in late on the first day of school and talked back to the teacher, that really caught my eye. My first impression of you had been changed. You came off as a goody-goody nice girl who never broke rules and got straight A's."

Turing my head towards him as we kept walking, I laughed a little. "Well yes I usually don't break rules, and yes I do get straight A's, but giving out detention slips on the first day of school? Now that's just ridiculous! I mean who does that!"

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