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The Last Dragonborn no longer looked in mirrors. She avoided gazing into the water or into any surface which could reflect her own image. She no longer carried shiny steel weapons or armor. Instead, she chose to wear dark colored armor and weapons. Nothing that she could catch a glimpse of herself in.

The woman found that people tended to be more intimidated by her because of her chosen attire. They didn't talk to her as much or greet her as often. Some avoided her entirely. The warrior did not like this but she had no choice but to dress that way.

The Dragonborn did not like what stared back at her when she looked into a mirror, into the water or into any surface which should have shown herself... Because it was not her that stared back.

It was him. Miraak.

When the Dragonborn looked into the mirror, she saw the form of her former nemesis staring back. He looked as he did on the Summit of Apocrypha before his master killed him. His mask and robes, which she now owned and stored in a locked chest, obscured his face and form.

The warrior could never tell the man's expression but to her, he always seemed amused. It was so very unsettling.

Because of that, the woman could not bear to look at herself any more. She tried her hardest to make sure she would not have to see Miraak all the time.

The woman wondered if this was happening because she knew she tread the same path as Miraak. Was her mind showing her what she tried to deny?

The Dragonborn knew she was Hermaeus Mora's new Champion. How long would it be before she ended up like Miraak? Trapped in Apocrypha for thousands of years, hoping for a chance to free herself?

Hermaeus would not wait forever. The Daedric Prince had not called upon the woman yet but he would one day. The Dragonborn had vowed not serve him. But what choice did she have against such a being?

The warrior had no doubt Hermaeus had everything planned out. He could make her do as he wished, despite what she herself wanted. She was damned.

For now, all the Dragonborn could do now was wait. She would have see how her life would play out now that she had gotten herself entangled in the grasp of such a powerful being.

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