Johnlock oneshot

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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You both like johnlock.

You: Hello John. -SH

Stranger: Hi, Sherlock. JW

You: Do you mind if I borrow your computer?-SH

Stranger: Since when do you ask to borrow it? JW

You: Thought I would be nice. I would use it anyway, I wanted to give you a headsup. -SH

Stranger: Ah, alright. It's not like saying no would stop you from using it, so have at it. JW

You: Okay. I need it for an experiment. -SH

Stranger: What kind of experiment? JW

You: Social. I am borrowing peoples computers and looking through every inch of them. to see how many men try to hide their whereabouts on the XXX websites, or just don't care. -SH

Stranger: Christ, of course you are. Who else is 'participating' in this experiment? JW

You: Lestrade, Mycroft(His non-government PC sadly), you, molly, and random people I ask to borrow their smart phones. -SH

Stranger: Alright then. You really need a case soon. JW

You: Yes. I do.-SH

You: [delayed] John...-SH

Stranger: What? Is something wrong? JW

You: I also looked through documents. The one titled 'Work, confidential.' is quite interesting. I would be on top.-SH

Stranger: Jesus Christ, why are you going through that?! JW

You: I was... curious.-SH

Stranger: About something labelled "Work, confidential"? JW

You: Yes, I thought a possible interesting experiment would be in there. Or an elaborate surgery.-SH

Stranger: Yeah, well, that obviously isn't the case. I get it if you want me to move out. Jesus, I'm mortified. JW

You: I don't. So you have a crush on me.-SH

Stranger: That much is pretty obvious, going off of what you just saw on my laptop. JW

You: I always say love is a disadvantage, but I made an exception for someone. You.-SH

Stranger: You... You're joking right? You don't have to say this to make me less embarrassed, you know. JW

You: I am not joking. Please come home so we may discuss this face to face.-SH

Stranger: Alright, I'll be home in five minutes. JW

You: Thank you.-SH

Stranger: Of course. JW

You: Sherlock set his mobile down, and began playing his violin.

Stranger: John sighed, rubbing his hands over his face as he shoved his phone back into his pocket and stepped out of the cab. Quickly paying the driver, he ran up the seventeen stairs and stopped for a moment, taking a deep breath before pushing open the door and walking into the flat.

You: Sherlock stopped, and turned. Setting down his violin, he collapsed on the couch. "Hello John."

Stranger: "Er, hey, Sherlock," he mumbled, the tips of his ears burning with slight embarrassment. "I'm going to put the kettle on, do you want a cup of tea?"

You: "Yes please." Sherlock muttered

Stranger: John nodded and walked into the kitchen setting the water to boil and taking down two cups. "So, what you said in that text..."

You: "I know. I confessed my feelings to you." Sherlock said, walking into the kitchen and leaning against the wall. "Reply?"

Stranger: John snorted and turned around to face Sherlock. "You read that document, what do you think," he said, a small smile on his face.

You: "oooh" Sherlock purred, a smirk growing on his face, "I think that those pictures and stories were quite flattering. Did you write them?"

Stranger: John felt his face grow warm as he cleared his throat and looked down at his feet. "Well, it's not like anyone else would write that," he mumbled.

You: "I guess that means one thing." Sherlock approached John, and cupped his face in his hands. "Kiss me."

Stranger: "Oh, God yes," he murmured,pushing himself up on his toes and connected their lips together, burying one of his hands in the detective's mop of curls.

You: Fireworks shot off in Sherlocks pulsing heart, he wrapped his arms around The doctor's waist and pulled him close. Sherlock swiped his tongue on John's bottom lip, begging for entrance.

Stranger: John gladly opened his mouth feeling every nerve ending tingle at the contact that he'd been wanting for quite a while.

You: Their tongues danced together, Sherlock picked up john. John wrapped his legs around Sherlocks waist, his hands in his curls.

Stranger: John let out a small moan, kissing Sherlock passionately as his back was pushed up against the wall, not that John had really noticed.

You: Sherlock pulled away, and began kissing down his jaw line to his neck.

Stranger: John and Sherlock then went to the bedroom and enjoyed a very passionate night.


Stranger had to go.

I hoped you guys liked it, and should I continue the story

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2015 ⏰

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