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Jungkook was beyond shock when he discovered that Taehyung was a lightweight when it came to beer. After two cans of beer, the older was already tipsy. And by five cans, he was pure wasted.

"J-jungkookie! You look like..hic! A bunny!" He says while pinching Jungkook's cheeks. "I know Tae. You should stay here for the night. It's too late and a storm is coming soon," Jungkook suggest, completely forgetting that Taehyung wasn't in his right mind at the moment. The honey blonde just looks at him with a blank face making Jungkook wonder if he said something wrong, but then the older broke out into a huge box smile.

"You're alcohol tolerance is just...ugh"

"H-hey! I can just stand drinking wine and champagne ra-rather be-better than..hic! this!" He raised his can of beer lazily and began drinking it once he raised it down. 

"Stop Tae. You're super drunk."

"I know I'm drunk! C'mon Kookie! Dance with me~" Taehyung encourages and bounces on one of the bean bags. Jungkook sighs and thinks of a way to prevent the older from hurting himself and having the worse hang over in the morning. Sighing, he steps closer and still hyperaware of the defenseless male who was drinking like there was no tomorrow.

I shouldn't have bought the beer

"K-kookie you're too close," Taehyung whimpers as he noticed the little space between them. 

"I know." He inches closer. The older felt his grip on the can loosen and Jungkook noticed it as well. As Taehyung's attention was drifted to how close they were to the point their forehead were touching, the younger swiftly grabs the can away from Taehyung's grasp and goes to the trash. He dumps the can and sits back on the couch, a satisfied smirk on his face and watched the movie.

(Due to Taehyung's constant request, they abandoned 50 Shades of Grey and watched Zootopia)

Taehyung whines at the loss. The prince never really enjoyed drinking alcohol before. Now, he loved the way the alcohol made him feel alive. The way the  adrenaline kept rushing through his veins. He didn't get how some people enjoyed drinking until the next day but after tasting that experience, it felt good.

"Give i-it back!"


"Y-you're so rude!" Jungkook freaks out even more when he saw tears pool in the other's eyes. Looks like Taehyung is the emotional drunk. "Oh my god. Why are you crying?!" Taehyung flinches when Jungkook raised his voice. "Uwahhh!"

The older sobs and Jungkook felt like punching himself in the gut. He was never the type of person who'd care when people cry. Even if it was his fault. But when it comes to the honey blonde prince, he felt something tug inside him. Something that signals he didn't like Taehyung sad.

He has no clue why he feels this way.

 But he's talking about Kim Taehyung. An unpredictable boy.

Remembering what his mother used to do when he was crying, he walked towards the male and sat beside him on the white bean bag. Taehyung, again not in his right mind, tried to quiet his cries down. He even flinched when Jungkook lifted his hand to bring him closer.

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