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It's amazing really, how often the whole idea of Halloween is ignored. Sure, dressing up as the bloodiest, most gruesome creature imaginable is fun and going out to see fucked up movies about possession and death is exciting, but does anybody ever question why we do those things? Or where these traditions came from in the first place?

Some girl/guy didn't just sit down and come up with the idea that someone sucking the life from a person's veins would be cool. People didn't just decide to start celebrating death and fear for no reason. That's not how things work. They had to come from somewhere.

Things like that? They can't be made up, no matter how brilliant someone's imagination is.

The truth is, that all of these vicious monsters and supernatural beings are real; documented in historic journals, hidden in photos throughout the centuries, and recorded on even the most ancient hieroglyphs. They've always been there. They're still here.

In fact, long before humans had built civilized establishments, before nations and countries and borders, the supernatural actually ruled the world. At least, in the sense that they were superior to all other classifications, humans included. 

It was the humans who hid when the night begun, locking their doors, boarding the windows, and never daring to go anywhere alone. It was the humans who feared the dark and the humans who had hundreds of people who disappeared and were never to be seen again. The supernatural hunted them like prey.

For centuries, that's how life was.

And the supernatural were thriving.

But like all good things, this did not last. Civilization was getting smarter. People were inventing things. Technology was advancing and it all crumbled with the development of weapons. Guns, bombs, flame throwers..... you name it.

Even with the common immortality that many supernatural beings possessed, they were no match for the ever-populating humans and their advanced weapons. So, in order to avoid extinction altogether, a treaty was made.

The supernatural would become scarce, just as the humans had been for centuries. They would stop hunting the humans like prey. There were to be no more ambushes of the smaller cities or slaughters when encountering groups of people. No more turning innocent humans into monsters just to watch them spiral out of control. No more torturing for fun or playing games with human minds.

And in return, one night of each year, the supernatural creatures were allowed to come out as they pleased and on that night, as an offering of peace, the humans were to exchange one human baby for the supernatural to keep.

Of course, the rules were often broken, but it was nothing like it used to be, so the human race was happy. Sure, every once and a while there was an 'unexplainable death' or a man who swore he saw 'bigfoot'. There were supposed sightings of creatures that no longer existed and people who reported howling during the full moons. There were murders, attacks, and mysterious disappearances but it was nothing like before and now, the humans had people to spare.

The supernatural were still there and that wasn't going to change, but the humans were superior now, that was enough them.

Eventually the human officials decided that it was better to eradicate the idea of monsters and supernatural beings altogether, turning the history into stories and the stories into myths. They created a holiday where seeing a witch out on the streets wasn't so scary or abnormal after all. They romanticized these vicious creatures until the idea of their existence was popular, but essentially impossible.

Just because no one believed of their existence, however, didn't mean that they weren't there. Each year, on the 31st of October, they still roamed the streets, doing as they pleased. And each year, on that very same day, one unfortunate child is passed over for the supernatural to do whatever they please with.

And on a particularly stormy October 31st, that child was Camila Cabello.

A/N: So here it is, my new one shot. A few things first.

1) This story doesn't have much of a point, so I apologize for that, however I wanted to write something for Halloween and because of the kind of person that I am, it didn't get finished in time. So yeah, here's a Halloween one shot in the middle of November. Good thing it's fictional. Am I right? So yeah, basically there isn't much of a point but I hope you guys enjoy it anyways.

2) Everything in this story is talked about in a humorous tone, however, that doesn't change the fact that there are some very gruesome and disturbing things mentioned, so just a warning for that. Take everything very lightly please.

3) I would just like to say that my cute best friend, who currently has Leukemia and is bald, dressed up as Lord Voldemort for Halloween because, I quote "Probably never going to be bald for Halloween ever again, so I might as well take advantage of the situation". She even had a fake snake sitting on her lap and everything. I just thought that would make some people smile.

4) Thanks so much to SlOTHTATO for the awesome cover and to Amanda who proof reads all my stuff and will probably (hopefully) proofread this before I post it too.

5) Lastly, this story will most likely be up by the end of the week so keep a look out! (I'm not making any promises as to when because I'm a horrible procrastinator and it still needs to be proof-read, but I'm going to estimate that it will be posted by ThanksGiving at the latest).

Hope you guys like it and thanks so much to all you guys who read all my stuff no matter what. Love you all.


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