Part Two Maybe?

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However, this one shot has gotten a lot more attention than I ever thought that it would. People seem to really like it and it was fun to write! So i was thinking that maybe, just maybe I would write a part two.

Yes or should I leave it as it is?

What would you want to be included in the next part IF i wrote one?

IF i write a second part, it will probably not be posted for a while since the first part alone took me a month to write, so please be patient and if I never end up posting one for whatever reason, please don't be mad!

Would you rather me post a part similar to this one wear it it one piece but has breaks OR would you rather me post a bunch of really small one shot type of things. They would be more random and probably wouldn't include as much.

IF I do write a second part the same way I wrote the first it will not be as long. 50,000 words definitely took it out of me but it would probably be around 20,000 to 30,000 words.

Also, does anyone by chance ship Satally? I'm asking for a friend.....

Anyways, please comment because IF i were to write a second part I would really like to see what your opinions and ideas are for it! Also BTS should be up this week as well as almost daily updates for Texting You.

Love you guys, thanks for all the support. I know y'all are probably tired of all my authors notes lately so I'll try my best to tone it down.


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