A girl, young and pretty
And always seen with a smile
Sits in the shower
Crying and trying to wash away
The bruises and marks
Left by the one she fell in love withA boy sits huddled in an alleyway
Wondering wether climbing into the trash for warmth is worth it
He used to have parents
But they didn't want a
Son whose date to prom was a boyA girl walks the halls of her school
Hunched over and small
Weak against the whispers that followed her
Accusing her of crimes she never committed
And sentencing her guilty without
A word of defense from herA boy sits on the bench
Tears prickling the corners of his eyes
As his peers taunt his lack of muscles and height and everything
That makes a man a man
Accusing him of
Throwing like a girlA girl stands to the side
A girl who likes to wear jerseys
And run and throw and catch
She clenches her teeth
And wonder why
Throwing like a girl is a bad thingA boy stands behind the thrift store
With powder and liquor and needles
He lets his throat go dry
And his heart sputter along
It is the only thing his parents taught him to doA girl with glasses stands
She is safe and warm
With a set of loving parents
And a great older brother
And a group of friends she loves
From the depths of her heartA girl with glasses stands
And looks out into the world
Beyond the safely glass around her
And sees the tears and scars
That so many people ignoreA girl with glasses stands
And wonder how much will it take
To heal a permanent scar
To breath life into a dead heart
To save a lifeA girl with glasses stands
And listens to the excuses the world has to offer
"The world has always been this way"
"One person can't do anything"
"You're naive if you think you can do anything"A girl with glasses stands
And promises herself that
No matter what
Nothing can stop her from trying
To mend the scars of others
A girl with glasses
PoetryA short poem about the scars this world has, and a girl who sees them from the other side of the safety glass