True Sleepover Horror story

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"My cousin Tyler and I use to have sleepovers all the time when we were kids, Always at his house though, because his house was the cool house. Back then before Cell Phones and Modern Video Games, kids actually used to play actual kid things like, for example, we liked to play Hide n Seek at night. One time when we were nine both of our parents were going out for a night in Atlantic City, so they had my other cousin Tyler's older brother "Joe" keep watch on us. An hour into the night, however, Joe told the both of us he was going out and not to tell mom. Tyler and Joe would commonly do this because it mutually benefited them. Tyler loved having the house to himself and Joe hated staying home all night, by the time he left it was already a little later in the night like, 9-o-Clock. We had our dinners and decided it would be a good idea to play Hide n Seek, the house was honestly massive so it was always a lot of fun. I was hiding first, we started in the basement where Tyler would count. We had a role, that we couldn't use any house lights, only flashlights. Our reason for this was just because it made it cooler. I tip-toed up the stairs then up the next flight of stairs to the upstairs to the house. The upstairs had a whole other living area, along with three bedrooms. I chose to hide in one of the unused bedrooms, I buried myself between two big bean bag chairs and a blanket. I left the door open to avoid any suspicions. I heard creaking coming into the room, lively footsteps. Tyler was now moving around the carpeted room, I could hear him. He went over to the closet and opened it, then he opened the second closet, silence. Then he walked over to the other side of the room and he started opening the drawers to the desk rummaging through them. Suddenly I heard Tyler's young innocent voice calling my name up the stairs in kind of a mockingly tone to try and scare me. My mouth opened and literally started twitching when I put two and two together. I lifted the blanket slightly over my head to see what he was doing but it wasn't Tyler. I knew right away based on this person's height it was a much taller, fully grown man. It wasn't Joe and it wasn't his dad. He perked up like a statue when he heard Tyler's voice, and I saw him duck into the corner of the room behind the small piece of wall that sticks out there. Tyler entered the room with his flashlight and kept saying my name over and over slow and drawn out like. I was praying for his light would not reach over to the corner of the room. His light landed on me under the blanket, he may not have even seen me but I still willingly came out and acted all defeated, fake laughing and everything. I told him he won, put my arm around his back and started nudging him out of the room. I kept the conversation as natural as possible until we were half way down the stairs. That's when I dropped the bomb and told him there was someone there with me and nudged him to run outside. Being the scared nine-year-olds we were, all we could do was run next door and ask the woman living there to call the police for us, she did without hesitation. I still remember the scene vividly of the cops pulling up, running into the house and five minutes later ushering a guy out in handcuffs, it was a great feeling, even as a nine-year-old."

( I believe Ryan Mosley wrote this and sent it to Mr.Nightmare, but I can assure you that I take no credit in this besides my writing skills.) One thing I do have to say is, this took like over fifteen minutes to write and it was pretty fun! <3

) One thing I do have to say is, this took like over fifteen minutes to write and it was pretty fun! <3

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