Chapter Two: Me? An Idol?

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Joshua POV

"I'll go and tell S.Coups about who she is. You have to stay here and keep her company. Okay?" I say.

"Okay." Vernon replies.

I step out of the room to speak with S.Coups and the manager.

"So?" S.Coups implies.

"Well her name is Y/n, she's from c/n, she got here by commenting on one of our Vlives, and she doesn't speak Korean"

"Manager-nim, what should we do? She's already been seen by Carats." S.Coups questions.

"Well does she look decent?"

"Yea, I guess." S.Coups and I say in unison.

"Then she's now a trainee."

"Are you sure? We can't just send her back to c/n?" I ask.

"Nope. The public will get suspicious. Now go in there and tell Vernon about this."

"Yes, Manager-nim" I bow and open the door to hear my name.

"Hmmmm" he gasps "Is it Joshua-hyung. I mean it has to be your bias since he speaks English, is gentlemanly, and cooks. It has to be him, right?" Vernon asked ecstatically.

"N-" Y/n starts while I open the door. "N-yes."

"Heh, you guys talking about me?" I ask flirtatiously.

~Time Skip To When The Doctor Is Here~

"So when is Y/n discharged?"

"By tomorrow." She said.

"Ah, Okay. Thank you."

I turn to Vernon and speak to him in Korean.

"So when Y/n gets discharged, she's going to become a trainee."

"Are you serious? Do you think she can handle being an idol?"

"Well she doesn't really have a choice, does she?" I say.

"Do you guys even know what group she's going to be put in?" Vernon questioned.

"Ummm... not really, but we're working on it." I say nervously.

"Okay, then who's going to tell her about the whole trainee thing?"

"You are."

"On one condition." He states "You have to buy me milk tea for a full month."

"What?! Seriously?"

"Yep." He nods.

"Fine, I'll tell her then. Jeez"

"Ahem, English speaker here. Translate for me, please."

"Uhh... well" I scratch the back of my head.

"You're going to be a trainee" Vernon interrupted.


I widen my eyes in shock, excitement, and fear. Me? A soon to be idol? No why would they come up with that conclusion.

"Heh, you guys are joking right?" I asked as I forced a chuckle.

Vernon and Joshua look at each other worriedly.

"Umm, Y/n. We're not joking. This is serious." Joshua says in concern.

"H-h-how could you guys come up with this situation?" I ask.

"Well you have to stay here because your face showed up in Vlive and I'm sure before you know it, it'll be on the news. And so the easiest way for you to stay without a scandal and to stay without much money spent is for you to become a trainee."

I sigh. "Ok, I guess. It's not like I have an option. Can I use a phone to tell my friends back at C/n?"

"Sure." Vernon answers.

"We'll try to get you a phone a soon as possible." Joshua consoles.

"Okay, thank you."

After that, there was an awkward silence. Until...

"So, obviously you're a Carat." Vernon asks, breaking the silence.

"Yeah, what about it?"

"Well how'd you get to know us?"

"It was with a game on my phone called Mystery Messages. I went on MePipe to see if there was any dances in the theme song and there was a fan made video that dubbed the music over Astro's dance practice video. After Astro, I went to other cute kpop boy bands and I found you guys."

"You play Mystery Messages too! I swear that game kept me up nearly all night." Vernon says and he laughs right after.

I was talking with Vernon so much I didn't realize that it had already been dark. Jun walked in and spoke in Korean

"버논 지금 당탕 가야 해."


"그녀는 정말 구엽다"

"너는 그녀를 가질 수 없다. 그녀는 내 꺼야."

"나는 단지 보완했다."

I was really confused as to what Jun and Vernon were talking about, but Vernon seemed to look really upset.

I touch Vernon's shoulder to get his attentions. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm good. I have to go for now. I'm looking forward to seeing you again."

"Okay and me too."

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