WHAT IS UP YOU GUYS! It's your girl Madi coming at you with another Madi Monday, and today I thought to myself "Hey Madi, you haven't done a Q&A in fucking forever." So that is what we are doing today. Before we get into the video don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe if you haven't already. I'm always posting about random stuff so come join in on the fun!
Okay, so the first question comes from @fentyriley and they wanna know "Are you going to be doing anymore music?" Yes I am! I've been writing an album for a few months now and here soon I'll be recording so be on the lookout for that to drop sometime in the next few months!
@madisonismymom says "What is your actual name?" Okay, so as I'm sure a lot of you know I go by Madi Riley which is short for Madison Riley Clarke. I don't go by Madison Clarke because that's what my mother calls me when I get in trouble and I am not trying to spend my days feeling like I'm about to get grounded. I don't know its a little weird.
My girl @madislays says "Titanic or Notebook?" and I'm actually so glad you asked me this because I have such an opinion. The titanic didn't crush my heart like I was expecting it too. You come into it with this notion that it's going to be heartbreaking because they are star crossed lovers and they never get a chance to grow old together and that's sad , but the fucking notebook man. I cried for like an hour after that movie. The story was just so real and true. You know it shows you can make it in the end no matter what you go through, no matter where life takes you there is still a chance and that just hits me somewhere soft.
@harrynmadi "Why do you like Harry Potter so much?" WELL LET ME TELL YOU! No really, its just so freaking good like. The messages that those books and films portray is insane. You know it teaches you that is you stick together you can make it through whatever, it teaches you to be selfless and that sometimes life is not fair but you have to keep fighting and there are so many others. I don't think anyone can read those books or watch the movies and not learn something from them.
Last question, @madnmike wants to know "What's up with you and Mikey? and Bryce?" Okay, so Mikey and I aren't together. We actually never dated. We just really enjoy spending time together and it's fun to just hang out and get your mind off things, but our friendship comes before anything and we don't want to mess that up. And as far as Bryce, you know you have to forgive to forget, and forget to feel again. Bryce and I have been through a lot together and nobody can take those memories away. We are just taking everything day by day.
But that's going to be all for todays video! I love you guys and remember that you can do anything you put your mind to. I'll see you next week with another MADI MONDAY!!!