our world destroying spar

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(Wazap ma players I'm so sick and tired of the me's in this story about my OC it is hard to keep it simple and I'm gonna put a third pov so anyway enjoy )

Previously ~

"Why are we half naked "
"Hello my name is verse storm universe and this is my brother handsomestorm #2

"We are gonna use 5% of our power witch is as powerful as mom"

Now~(third POV)

Verse and storm were stretching
" are you ready bro " verse said
"Yeah let's not destroy to much of this larsh forest " storm said
"Haaaaaaaa" they screamed at the same time wind started to blow violently and you see two pillars of light and dust rise's and then the dust started to cleared gasps were heard from the on lookers as they sore verse and Storm's change verse had light blue hair that  was  blowing in the imaginary wind like Luna's and celestia's he now wore a blue shirt that looked like it was moving and sun kissed pants that look like they cote fire but are not burning and his coat was just like celestias

Storm had yellow hair that flowed and a sun kissed shirt that looked like it was  on fire but did not burn
His pants were light blue and moved
And he also had the same coat as verse

"WOW THEY LOOK LIKE TWINS " said pinkie pie and she was shushed but she spoke what they were thinking

"So you did the same training I did huh" said verse " we really are going as far as 5% I mean that much power would destroy a world and yes I happen to know how to get in your head or more specifically mind you did not even notice that you were not alone in your mind " said storm verse grew a tick mark " let me get this right you were in my mind BUT YOU DID NOT TELL ME " said/screamed verse as he into a fighting stance and so did storm " yeah " said storm lazily "this is going to be a long fight " storm said lazily they disappeared everypony there was dumbfounded they reappeared they went so fast no one could see
Them but lucky for the ones who are watching they made shore that the shield or dome infect it made it look like they were fighting at normal speed

Verse kicked multiple times and fire a beam out of his horn than double back flipped and landed on a cloud
Storm than deflected the beam and and landed on a cloud too "wow its like there the same pony " said dash

Verse also deflected the beam "verse should fight faster its already boaring cause if we just fight like Babies we will run the fun *pout like a child* " said storm " no do you remember the last time we faught we destroyed a planet and that was out of the funniness of knowing uncle stared at a sartan princess which was m......you know *trying best to keep in laughter * what I mean 'ahem ahem' do you think we should tell mother about how we made a planet with uncle that we destroyed by just laugh while giving it reeeeeeeaaaaaalllly soft taps hehe should we stop talking about our child hood cause I hate when mom asks questions "

" you do know I heard you right *smile sweetly to sweetly * boys we are going to have a nice mother son bonding time " said celestia

"Brother we are dead aren't we *shiver * " said storm "mhm so we have to get ready to dodge all those beams.......let's just continue with this we only have 25 sec to finish our fight before the shield breaks " said verse

They got into fighting stances and lung at each other shooting beams at each other and kick each others beams away *crack * after they heard that they stop fighting and turned back to normal *crack*

"Oh boy we are totally dead aren't we " said storm "yep and we forgot to warn them that if they get to close to the shield they will get a major shock of their live *looks into camera *kids a special boys don't mass with women or put a shield that shocks people

Or your gonna get your mama in our case we are gonna get our sweet and gentle aunt ,mothers and four of the mane six's reth your probably wondering why four let me explain

We put suits that shield two of the mane six twilight and the pink one and we fo-fo- fo-fo- fo-fo- fo-fo- forgot to do the same with the rest *whisper* and because my brother like the pink mare and I like twi " said verse the shield shattered when storm was done with the explanation and you cold here
Squeaks that were so loud you'd think you have dog ears

Growls were heard from the spot of the explosion the smoke cleared to show four ponies plus two princesses that look like they just got out of a tornado

"Sooooo do we get a head start here" said storm and the six mares
Nodded "ahem 1 second " finished verse and the mares nodded again

With that said(since storm and verse are faster than a second)they disappeared in an instance.

Verse POV (finally )

Since me and storm are like twins we thought that we could go for just one day to our dimension that we created no one knows about it.

"Verse should we go in your dimension cause sun is still cleaning mine " storm said "fine" after I said that we want

Since we thought it would be fun to we grabbed twilight, pinky I think that was her name and the shy one

And sat them to watch with us "what just happened " they said in unison " this is what I like to call the moon and sun dimension because I like to make it look like both day and night"

" or if you think its appropriate call it the 'verse dimension ' anyway we just want to show you what they are doing and pinkie don't even try this dimension is even more unpredictable than you are did I happen to say that no one can sense you in my dimension."

" this dimension gives me and my brother what we want " I said


This is a weak story it is unpredictable its all mix mash or whatever *sigh* please don't even spare my feelings this is one of the reasons I like reading other people's books anyway  good bye loves and bras 

the tale of verse storm universe Where stories live. Discover now