Chapter 2: So Much To Do

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    Sun could not believe what she heard. There must be some kind of mistake; She thought.

She was not specified in that area. She had never done any thing like that.

Her skills are for  missions that are almost to close to impossible and more compromise situations; something like a suicide swad. Plus this was her lasted mission for the next two weeks.

So she could no help but question her superior.

"I am sorry, sir but I can't take this mission my vacation starts' as soon as I exit this door and I have a deadline tomorrow. I can't miss it sir." She protested.

"You are not in no position to question me, Agent M and whatever you do that is not related to this job is not my problem. And I know we have cut short your vacation that is the reason why i am sending the other agent with you." He states leaving no room for arguments.

More like no vacations she thought to her self.

He continues. " Your mission is for six months, you are the leader of your little team. You are to protect the prince at all cost."

At this, all kind of scenarios run across her mind.

"Was there a threat upon the Prince's life?" Sun questioned professionally.

"Not that we are aware of but the king fears for his son's life due to his..rebellious.. behavior. He has manage to outsmart his other guards and escape there watchful eyes without them knowing. We need someone with skills like yours." He paused.

Sun look the captain thinking she is not going like what will comes next.

"Your planes leaves at 2300 hundred hours. Agent Marker will meet you at the airport before boarding and lastly when you have reached London your escort will be waiting for you. From then on you are on your own." He concluded.

She groans internally and leaves the office. She has so much to do before the her flight.


By the time Sun was finished with headquarters it was already after 8 in the morning two hours over her arrival. She head home and to complete her column.

On the way home she decide to grab some takeout and check the emails. Sun checked and contacted with her secretary to send her readers letters at home.

"Ma'am, we are here." The taxi driver said.

Shook from her thoughts and deep concentration she look up and out the window. Sun hurriedly pack her things in the bag and pay the driver.

"Keep the change" and left before the driver had a chance to reply.

Throwing the keys in the key bowl, dropping her bags on the coach and a bottle water from the refrigerator.

Signing tiredly as she sit on the coach and drink rather hungrily. She close her eyes and rest a few minutes before start working again. She thought.

Two days she hadn't any sleep and as she begin to fall asleep the door bell rang.

Signing loudly again she went to answer the door.

"Good Morning Sun, here are the letters and is there anything else you would like me to do? Her secretary hand over the bag to her.

"Yes, tell Alice I will be coming in by three this afternoon and that's it important that I meet her. And tell the editor I will need him as soon as I come in. I will send in my column so make sure the publisher is notified. Thank you Jane that's all."

Jane nod and left with a 'see you at the office'.

Back to work then. Sun thought as she checked her watch.

'Only four hours to go.' She said to herself.

Taking out her gun and tossing  the excess clothes aside she begin to work.

She love her jobs, both of them. She was inspired by her father and by the way she was treated by her stepmother and step sisters. From them she learn that she couldn't and will not allow other people to tell or order her around doing wrong or wicked things and she has also learn to love and protect the ones she loved and respect with all her heart and soul.

And with this career at 'Mines Times' as an advise columnist; she give advises, opinions suggestions, and help finds a proper and wise easy solution for her troubled readers.

Finally she was finished with the column and reread and check for any errors or imperfections.

Turn and look at the big lovely clock on the wall. Its only two o'clock that leaves enough time to get ready. She mummer.

She cleaned up the mess and pack up the the table, depose her garbage and shut down the laptop and left it in her work bag.

She took a shower, dress a close fit work dress, apply some make up and tie her hair in a high slightly messy loose bun. She was is no mood for a tight stiff hair style.

She went out in the hall grab her gun, keys and wallet put it in her bag. Went in to the closet take out her heels.

Shut the doors. Activate alarm system and cameras. Jump in her car and of to The Mines Times as looked out through her sunshades across the street and turn out on the road.

Its took another two hours at Mines and another hour to pack and did a little grocery shopping.

She cook food eat some, took a quick shower and of to bed in only sports bra, underwear and a big old shirt.

As soon as her head hit the pill she was sound asleep.


It feels like only five minutes she slept for and the phone alarm went off.

Cut off the alarm, went to the bathroom use the toilet and wash her mouth.

Sun comes out back in the bed room feeling a little fresh.

Rubbing the sleep out her eyes she warm the rest of the food up and sit in the kitchen with a cup of warm coffee eating to some soft music.

She prepare everything for her flight leaving her suitcase, duffle bag and laptop bag by the door and went to get ready.

As the key turn locking the door the cab she called for earlier has arrived. Quickly she move the small flower pot aside and press her hand on the cream coloured surface.

It quickly scan and beep in recognition. A square patch of the concrete like surface move and revealed a keypad. She typed the codes and install the last security system and replaced the little pot to its rightful spot before the cab stop.

The cab driver help her with the with the luggage. She told him the location as they head out in the dark cool night.

She did meet her good friend and companion for the mission at the airport and the set off to where the small jet the agency provided for their departure.


Thanks for reading. Until next chapter. Remember if you have any questions. Do ask. I won't be offended in any way. And tell me what you think of this chapter if you can. Thanks again for reading its my pleasure.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2018 ⏰

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