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Zachary Parker

I blew it. I had a chance to kiss her and it slipped so quickly. I heard the bell ring. Had time really gone by that fast? I turned and looked at the school behind me.

"Shit!" I exclaimed. "Sorry, I -" I raised my head to meet eyes with her. She was so beautiful. I didn't know what I was supposed to say.
"- I gotta go." I said. I grabbed my candy and all the other nonsense I brought with me. I got up and sprinted to the door. I wanted to look back, but I felt like I already did enough damage...

I got to 3rd period, just seconds before the bell rang again. I almost tripped coming into the door. You see, my Basketball Coach is also my History teacher. If I would have been late, or not shown up at all, who knows what would have happened. I don't think I could have been kicked off, but I would have been benched or in big trouble. He looked up from his computer with his reading glasses on. He looked mad. Did he know? I'm a gonner. Definitely.

"Alright students, that was the bell, you know what that means." He said, still looking at me with his dagger eyes.

My friends Cody, Mark and Ash were all sitting around me. I rested my head on my hand with my elbow on the desk, exhausted from running. My heart was beating out of my chest. I closed my eyes.

Cody exclaimed, "Bro, where were you last period? We have the English essay due and you didn't turn it in. What the hell bro, you're gonna get us-"
"Look," I said upset. "I had something to do, alright?"

"Yeah sure, like what? Making out with some girl for 90 minutes straight?" Cody interrupted. Mark scoffed. I clenched my jaw and gave Cody a dirty look.
"Yeah, dude." Mark said. He sighed. Mark glanced at Coach C. "What if Coach finds out?" He said gritting his teeth.
Because Mark sits behind me, I had to turn my head to let him know I was talking to him. "He won't find out unless one of you dick heads tell him first." I sat there and sighed, rolling my eyes.

They all went quiet and pretended nothing happened. I just sat there like I didn't give a damn. Coach looked at me.

"Zach, what's the problem here? Would you like to tell everyone since you're being so disruptive?" He said, crossing his arms. I looked up.

"Not really!" I said sarcastically. This day has got me really messed up.
"Well, if you're not going to explain, then I'll have Cody explain. So Cody, what's all the fuss about?" He asked crossing his arms. Great, Cody's gonna blow it.

"It's nothing, Sir. We'll be quiet, Sir." Cody said. He thinks he's so cool, yes Sir this, yes Sir that. Cody is such a teacher's pet. "You could learn a lot from Cody, Zach. He actually has manners. " Coach Cowell said. Some kids from football season laughed from the front of the room.I rolled my eyes.

Yeah, there's a lot I could learn from Hunter, like being a fuck boy.

After 5 minutes, Cody leans over. "Sorry, Zach."
"Psh, no you're not." I said disgusted. Now I was mocking him. "Zach!" he said under his breath, clenching his jaw. "Oh, now you want to be serious!?" I said back. I turned and looked at him.
Mark gets in on this too. "Cody... leave him alone-"

"-And what are you gonna do about it, squirt?" Cody snapped.

"Seriously guys, can you shut the hell up," Ash says. "You're are acting like little girls, I'm talking about all of you."

"Yeah, sure, you're one to talk." Cody says aggressively.

"If you're gonna be a smart ass, first you have to be smart, otherwise, you're just an ass." Ash says looking down at Cody. (Metaphorically speaking) "Oh shit!" Mark says laughing. I start laughing too. Cody stopped talking. I gave Ash a high five.

The class was over by this time now and Ash was the only one I got along with. Ash has always been my trustworthy friend. I've been friends with Mark since forever and Cody, I met him in basketball. He's one of those people that tries to prove themselves to everyone.

Ash and I walked to our next classes.

"Thanks for doing that back there." I said to Ash. 

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